chapter 9 - someone save me pt 2

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3rd person POV:

"I have to say professor, I think you went a bit to far with Toolshed, he's going to be scared for life after that experience." Kyle stood firm and crossed his arms in disappointment. "Well, I don't feel bad, he got captured so his fault." Chaos argued back, while taking a closer look at the gem.  "Plus don't act like you're so good either my friend, you've killed a man before." Chaos turned around and looked at Kyle with an evil grin and sinister look in his eyes. Kyle's eyes widened and he started to feel tense.

"And if you don't like my methods I'd like you to try your own on our little guest while I take a look at this piece of yours."   "Alright bet," Kyle responded as he walked back down to where the hero was being held. He put his hood and mask back on and unlocked the door with the key. As soon as he opened the door Toolshed jumped back in the chair and fell over, and he swore he heard a muffled "ow" come from his mouth.

Kyle walked over and knelt down, he held the hero's face making them make eye contact with each other. "I'm not going to cut off your finger I just want to talk." Kyle then got back up and flipped the hero's chair up right. He grabbed his own chair and placed it in front of the hero and sat down. Toolshed was puzzled by this movement and watched as the hooded figure in front of him didn't move a muscle, all he did was watch him. Kyle then reached forward which made Toolshed flinch a little. Gently Kyle removed the tape from his mouth.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" Kyle responded
"If you mean why I'm down here with you I'm just bored. Kyle then slouched back in his chair.

"No not that, I mean why are you siding with the villain?"

"Oh, it's simple, I don't have a side, I don't side with anyone. He sat back up in his chair.
"I'm on my own side, just because I know and maybe help Chaos doesn't mean I don't help Mysterion and his friends, or anyone else."

"But- But, you watched Chaos torture me and you did nothing about it! 
" I wouldn't really call that helping.." Toolshed muttered

"Well I stopped him from cutting your finger off be grateful, I've seen him do much worse to people..."

Toolshed only looked down at the floor before looking back at his finger where the cut was and looking back at the hood figure.

"Why don't you let me go? And why do you have umm, all of this going on?"

"Well I wouldn't want people finding out who I really am. And because it's not really my part to let you go, that's someone else's job not mine." Kyle stated while getting up.

"Hey where are you going!?" Toolshed questioned.
"Hey man! Not cool you can't just leave me here!!"

"Oh, but I can and plus you're the one that let yourself get captured so it isn't my fault your here."  Kyle chuckled.

With that the hooded figure walked out leaving Toolshed in the empty room alone with his thoughts.

*Meanwhile with the heroes*
*theres a time skip btw*

After Toolshed was captured Mysterion and Mosquito headed to their base to call the others. But no one answered so they waited for nearly 2 days until everyone was free. Their base was an abandoned building that they renovated, each hero got their own room, and there was some tech and a little recovery room for when someone was hurt. The entire group had built it themselves and were very proud of it.

Of course the two tried to find him but without any leads it was extremely hard. Mysterion didn't sleep for those two days and when Mosquito went back to his home Mysterion stayed up and watched over the town. In hopes to see Chaos or his friend Toolshed. Finally everyone was free and an emergency meeting was held one cold night.

Words: 713

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