chapter 12 - got em

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3rd Person POV:

Chaos laughed, and laughed, and laughed. With each laugh came a strike of lightning. When he was finally finished he smiled, he summoned the biggest bolt of electricity he could which destroyed most of the building he was in and setting fire to the rest. Laughing like a maniac he watched the fire spread and finally split when he heard voices coming closer, leaving a huge BOOM sound when he vanished.

The heroes heard this and saw smoke rising in the sky. Mysterion imagined the worst but still had hope that Toolshed wasn't inside, oh was he wrong. "WHAT DO WE DO!?" "WE CAN'T GO INSIDE ITS A SUCIDE MISSION!!" All the others yelled, without thinking Mysterion ran inside. "MYSTERION WAIT!" "DUDE COME BACK!" He heard them yelling for him to come back but he needed to save one of his best friends right now.

He didn't care if he died, he needed to get Toolshed out first before worrying about himself. He ran in, using the end of his cloak as a mask so he doesn't inhale to much smoke. "I CAN'T SEE JACK SHIT IN HERE!" He yelled out, he started to become more worried now. What if Stan was dead already? He ran in different directions, and was losing hope, but then he tripped on something.

He looked down to see an unconscious Toolshed. Mysterion picked up his friend trying to find a pulse, at first nothing, but then he felt one. A very faint one but at least he was still alive. Picking him up he ran, he didn't know the way back out, but then sirens could be heard in the distance. Now he knew he had to hurry up.

Despite looking weak and being a bit below average height for boys his age, Kenny was very strong. He wasn't letting his friend go, but he started to feel light headed and his vision was starting to go blurry. Mysterion was stuck, until he heard one of his teammates call out, he rushed towards the voice and then found an opening and ran out.

Everyone gasped and ran towards him, all the sudden he felt weak, he fell to the floor and watched as everything around him went dark.

Mysterion POV:

What the—What the fuck? Did I die? I open my eyes and blink a couple times to adjust my vision. Once it's clearer again I look around. Oh. I didn't die, well that's surprising. Then it hits me. TOOLSHED!? I quickly get up from the infirmary bed and try to stand up. My legs felt like jelly and I instantly fell to the ground. "SHIT THAT HURT!" I shouted. I felt pain all throughout my body and I couldn't move.

"Oh he's awake guys!" Super C called out.
"Wow dude! How'd you already end up on the floor??" He walked over and helped me get up.

"I can stand perfectly fine on my own SC.."
"If you say so" he let go and I instantly almost fell back down.

"Dude you took a HUGE risk running in there.
You could have died! Cut yourself some slack and just rest."
"But what about Toolshed!? Is he okay!?"
"Oh um..." he paused, "I think you're going to want to take a look for yourself.."

Was it really that bad? Did the fire injure him that badly?

"Take me to him right now. That's an order." He nodded and helped walk me over to the room that was next to mine. He opens the door and helps me walk in. I immediately froze when I saw him. Cuts, bruises, and dried blood. He had so many bandages on him. I've gotten my share of hits but this...I've never seen anything like it. I felt tears form and I felt like throwing up.

Everyone else walked in and I choked my tears back. I opened my mouth to speak but no worlds came out. How? How does a fire cause this!?
"It wasn't the fire. We think it was Chaos who did it to him." Doctor T said as he came into the room. I felt everything freeze, I felt sick. Then I felt myself fall to the ground. I looked so weak in front of my team. I'm supposed to be their leader. I'm not to show weakness. What the fuck is wrong with me?? I look up, half my team surrounding me, they were all talking but I couldn't hear anything. All I heard was a loud ringing sound, and then I looked back at Toolshed and then everything went black.

3rd Person POV:

Mysterion had blacked out on the floor and everyone started to freak out thinking that he was dead or something. They had never seen their leader like this, it was weird, but no one said anything. He was soon put back in his room to rest and everyone decided it was best for at least 2 people to stay there in case one of them wake up, or both.

They all made shifts, and of course Raccoon excused himself and vanished. Tupperware and Mosquito agreed to have the first shift. Call Girl and Super C would have second. Everyone else left and the 4 stayed behind. They all hung out and waited for one of their friends to wake up.

Tupperware and Mosquito had left when the sun set. Soon night fell on the snowy mountain town. "Super C you can leave, I'll be fine on my own."
"Nah it's fine, we're in this together."
"FUCK YOU." Super C said while flipping her off.
"RUDE-" Call Girl took offense.

Toolshed POV:

"STOP! STOP PLEASE! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ANYONES IDENTITIES! PLEASE!" I pleaded and cried. Chaos was coming closer with very knife that almost cut off my finger. All my teammates and friends were watching him do this to me. "SOMEONE STOP HIM! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I shouted but no one moved. Chaos then went behind me and held the knife to my throat, "This is why you don't lie to me." he said before slitting my throat open.

My eyes jolt open and I take a gasp for air, it hurt but I needed it. I rub my eyes and look around. Wait. I'm not in the room anymore, I'm not in the chair. I feel tears stream down my face, it doesn't stop, I look down at my arms. It's all wrapped up and I could barley see any of it.

Am I dreaming? There's no way this is real, is it? I try to move my body to shuffle out of the bed but I was met with a great pain which made me shout out in pain. Tears still streaming down my face I hear footsteps getting closer. Maybe I'm dreaming, maybe he's still here. I need to wake up, before he hurts me.

The door opens and I see two figures walk in. They come closer and one of them touches the wall, probably looking for the light switch. "TOOLSHED YOURE AWAKE AGAIN!" The voice said while leaning towards me.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING PLEASE!" I shout as tears still fall from my eyes. Then the light finally comes on, the figures were Call Girl and Super C.

Call Girl embraces me in a hug which hurts me so much while Super C stands beside her. "It's okay you're safe now, after almost a week we finally got you back." She rubs circles on my back. "I was gone for almost a week.. I was with him for a whole week. You guys didn't come back for me, left me w-with him.."

Call Girl stopped and was about to speak before I cut her off. "It took you guys a week to finally decide to get me back!? DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WENT THROUGH!? WHAT HE DID TO ME!?!?" I shouted at the both of them and they just stood there. "6 days of hell. I went through 6 days of hell for you guys and I wasn't the first priority!? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!? DO I MEAN THAT LITTLE TO YOU!?" The shouting made my entire body hurt but I didn't care. Everyone else didn't even care to show up. What the fuck!?

Second longest chapter 😙 (I think)

Words: 1418

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