chapter 24 - chaos's trap

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HEY IM BACK!! Sorry guys school started and I hate it so much, i promise chapter 25 will be out sometime next week 😢

no one's POV:

"I'm so thankful you agreed to this Kyle! This plan will work out perfectly..~" Chaos laughs, a psychotic menacing laugh, one that would scare most people away.

"h-huh..? what..?" Kyle regains consciousness after Chaos shouted at him from below.

"It's okay Kyle! I won't actually dump you in there! Unless I have to.."

"Dump me? Dump me into what..!?" Kyle regains his sense of sight and sees that he is upside down being held up by something over a huge tub that acid!?

"CHAOS!? WHAT THE FUCK! I DIDNT AGREE TO ANY OF THIS!? YOU NEED TO LET ME DOWN!" Kyle thrashes around trying to get free from the ropes that have him held against his will.

"Oh I know..that whole debacle back at my lab that was so uncalled I knocked you out and tied you up there against your will! Plus you owed me a favor." Chaos smiles and laughs before lowering Kyle down just a tad bit.

"STOP! STOP PLEASE! OKAY IM SORRY JUST DONT DO ANYTHING!?" Kyle shouted and pleaded with Chaos.

"Oh I would never Kyle! Shame you think so low of me...but I need you as bait for our heroes."

"What..? Where even are we!?"

"An abandoned factory I found while taking a stroll the other day!"

"You've got to be shitting me.."

"Oh I'm not Kyle! Now quiet so I can get the heroes attention." Chaos picks up a phone and opens it.  "Say cheese Kyle!" PC smiles and takes a picture. "And now we wait~" He smirks.

Kyle remains silent trying to free himself, he could easily do so but he couldn't risk Chaos finding out, so he pretended to struggle, also because maybe he was actually struggling..

Kennys POV:


"huh..? what?" i feel something vibrate next to me, or well most likely my phone.

"it's to early for this...Kyle are you awake?" I ask, no reply. "Cmon Kyle we both know you're not a heavy sleeper.." i tease, but still now response. "Kyle?" I finally get up rubbing my eyes, i turn on my phones flashlight and point it to where Kyle would've been laying down.

Maybe he went to the bathroom? I walk out into the hallway, the light in the bathroom isn't on. Downstairs maybe? I quietly walk downstairs but all the lights are off and no one's there. Is this a joke, prank? No, Kyle isn't that type of person..

My phone vibrates in my hand again, another notification..I finally open them to see it wasn't just anyone who just posted, it was Chaos. Two photos, ones a selfie, he's posing with a tub of...what even is that? Is there a person above it!? I zoom into the photo, bright ginger hair...ITS KYLE!?

How!? How did Chaos get him? I was right next to him! Fuck! Fuck!

I run back upstairs to Kyle's room, grabbing my watch out of my parkas pocket.

"HEROES! ANYONE WHO IS AWAKE RIGHT NOW COME INTO BASE! WE HAVE A CODE K.Y.L.3!" I don't know why I bothered calling it in, a part of me knew no one would answer the call.

"Darkness rises." I transform and open up Kyle's window, climbing out of it. As soon as i hit solid ground i start running, i didn't care if anyone saw their towns hero running through the streets like a crazy person, i needed to act fast. I can't have another situation like Stans..

till the truth be revealed... I'll continue to love you  (ON BREAK)Where stories live. Discover now