chapter 22 -

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Kenny's POV:

"Kenny I don't-" I cut him off.
"Don't bullshit me Kyle! Don't even try!"
"Dude keep your voice down!"
"Kyle, I read the messages..are you really..?"
"Kenny I- I just didn't know how to tell you guys, or really anyone. I don't know what I am but I know that I like guys."

I swear something just clicked in my brain when he confirmed it. Is that why he's been acting so weird?

"Kyle why didn't you just tell me? Or anyone? We wouldn't have judged you?"
"You don't get it Kenny. My families so strict with being Jewish, there's rules that I can't break! My parents would disown me!"
"Kenneth McCormick. You can't tell anyone about this, I'm begging you Kenny. I'll even pay you just don't."
" don't need to pay me, your secret is safe with me. You can always talk to me y'know."
"Thanks you so muchKenny. Remember no secrets?" He jokes, but there still were secrets.
"Yeah dude no secrets."
"Y'know Kenny you can talk to me dude, I'm here for you."
"I know that's why your the first person I come to when my parents decide to be assholes."

We laugh, he tells me how him and Bebe have been hanging out for some time now and how he felt like he could tell her, because of some unknown reason he wouldn't tell me. He just kept talking, and I dozed off into thought.

'No secrets' I really wish I could tell someone about my double life, well maybe I could tell Kyle? He would understand right?

"Kyle...I have to tell you something."
"What's up? I'm here."
"So um..." I pause, what if villains went after Kyle? I couldn't risk him getting hurt because of my careless actions.
"Actually I bad dude."
"Alright if you remember in here."

It goes quiet, until Ike runs into Kyle's room.

"Um...JUST COME DOWN!" Kyle gets up quickly and runs downstairs. Leaving me by myself.


"General Disarray have you found anything?"
"Yes I have boss! This gem has much more extreme power levels then the pendants do!"
"How!? That's nearly impossible! Show me."
"Look! It's off the charts Chaos!"
"That's...impossible!? How could he..?"
"How could who Chaos?"
"No one General.. is there a way to combine this power?"
"Boss? Why would you want to do that!? It could be dangerous!"
"Because Disarray this could be my opening to finally end Mysterion and his little team of heroes once and for all."
"Genius boss! But who's pendant will you use? You clearly can't use your own."
"Oh whoever we tag first is IT."

Back to Kenny's POV:

"Kyle! How could you not be in watching Ike! He's your younger brother! He could've burnt down the entire house!?" Sheila shouts at Kyle.
"Well it's not really my fault mom! I told him to wait and he didn't!"
"You're the oldest Kyle! I don't want another word out of you other than an apology!"

Before the argument goes any further I walk downstairs revealing my presence. Karen walks out as well and we both stand next to each other.

"Hi Mrs. B..sorry we showed up unannounced." I apologize.
"Oh no Kenneth, it's alright! You guys can come over whenever you need too." She warmly smiles. Wow she really switched up fast..
"Ma this was what I was-" Sheila cuts him off.
"Hush Kyle! Now who wants breakfast?"

Ike and Karen sit on the couch playing some game while we wait, me and Kyle head upstairs.

"So did Ike really almost burn down your house?" I ask sarcastically.
"Yes he actually almost did.." Kyle sounds serious.
"Oh actually!? I couldn't tell if he was serious when he ran in here.." I try and laugh it off to lighten the mood but when Kyle's pissed, he's pissed.
"I fucking hate it here, sometimes I just want to go home.." he mumbles.
"Um Kyle? You are home? Unless you mean Jersey..?"
"Gross dude! I fucking hate Jersey, and yeah I guess I am home..and I'm supposed to be the smart one?" He laughs and so do I.
"So who did it?" I ask changing the subject.
"Who did what..?" He looks confused.
"Who like, made you know that you liked guys?"
"Oh was kind of just me, just the way I saw guys compared to girls yknow? I just thought of guys different after-" he stops himself and he turns a faint red, or more of a pink.
"What about the girls you've dated? Like Bebe and Nichole? You didn't feel a SINGLE thing?"

He pauses and just stares at me before responding.

"Well, me and Bebe faked being in a relationship, and me and Nichole are just better off as friends." He shrugs.
"IM SORRY WHAT!? YOU AND BEBE WERE FAKE!?!?" I jump up from his bed and shout.
"YES! KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN! Our entire one year relationship was fake.."
"Holy shit! That's..." I stop talking cause words can't describe how I feel right now.
"Yeah...sorry about that. But I tried to feel something but it just wasn't working out y'know?"
"No I don't know actually Kyle..I've never had a partner long enough to feel something, or well i guess I felt horny.."
"Of course that's all you felt you whore.." he rolls his eyes and laughs.

"BOYS COME DOWN AND GET SOME BREAKFAST!" Shiela yelled from downstairs.

"Alright Kenny you can go down and I'll go get my dad." Kyle gets up and walks out of his room.

I get up and walk downstairs to Karen and Ike eating eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Hm...should I...? Yeah I should.

"Thanks for the eggs Karen!" I swoop by her plate and eat some of her eggs.
"Kenny! Get your own eggs!"
"It's okay Karen you can have some of mine. I'm not a big fan." Ike scoops some of his eggs onto Karen's plate.
"Hey! Back off Ike!" I glare at him and he looks worried.

Kyle and Gerald finally come downstairs.

"Sheila why didn't you wake me up!? I'm late for work!"
"You should be able to wake up early just fine by yourself!" She shouts at him.

Gerald grabs a pancake and runs to put on his coat before running out the door.

"Sorry about that Kenneth and Karen."
"It's okay Mrs. Broflovski!" Karen smiles and continues eating.
"You're not gonna eat Kyle? I ask while stuffing my mouth.
"Hm? Oh no I'm-" Sheila cuts him off.
"Of course you're not going to eat! I make this nice and big breakfast for everyone and you can't even appreciate it!"
"Please ma. Not right now."
"You're so ungrateful bubbie! Be glad you have a nice house to live in and are able to eat nice breakfasts like this!"

Kyle doesn't respond. He just glares at his mom before turning around and going upstairs. I don't go after him, I don't want to be in their family drama.

Kyles POV:


Jesus christ! Does she ever just shut up!? "Kyle you're so ungrateful." "I'm so disappointed in you Kyle." "You're supposed to be perfect," God so much bullshit. Why's she always complaining about me!? I'm so done with her. She judges and comments on everything I do! I can't do this anymore.. My thoughts all stop when I feel a burning pain.

"OW SHIT!" I felt a sharp pain in my arm, I look down. My skin..most of it is picked off. It's bleeding..a lot. Did I do that!? How..? My blood slowly trickles down my arm, I feel sick, like I'm going to throw up. I get up and run to my bathroom, hoping no one hears me.

I lock the door and I throw up in my sink.

"Ew...weak." I mumble.

I turn on the water and clean my sink, fucking gross. I wash my hands like five times before grabbing rubbing alcohol and applying it to the wound. How did I even pick off that much skin..? That's impossible right? My thoughts are interrupted by my phone receiving a notification.

Please be him. Please be him. I close my eyes and open it. It wasn't was Chaos!? A text and tell missed calls. I call.

*insert ring sound or whatever*

"Why good morning Kyle."
"Why are you contacting me? There's people over at my house right now!"
"Because you owe me a favor Kyle Broflovski."

sorry for another shitty chapter I think I have contracted THE DISEASE. (aka writers block)

Words: 1420

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