chapter two - ending of the day

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Kenny's POV:

The school day had ended and of course the teachers had to give out a shit ton of homework just to top off the long and boring day. "I have too much homework to do" "How the hell am I supposed to finish it all and watch over the city??" Either fail school even more or fail the city, the choice was tough. I was lost in thought before hearing a familiar voice, "Hey Ken!" a few inches shorter blonde boy had appeared next to me it was Butters. "Sup Butters" I said with a smile on my face.

Seeing Butters made my day better, he was one of the reasons I choose to protect the city. Sadly we only had on class together and it was English. I loved how he called me Ken, it made me happy. WAIT STOP! I CAN'T BE THINKING THESE THINGS! plus Butters isn't gay.

I stared at the concrete sidewalk and let the reality seep in. Butters continued to talk and I just listened. I said nothing I was completely silent. That was until we had to part ways, I went straight he turned. "Aw shucks I wish I didn't have to leave ya Ken." he said with a saddened face.

I looked behind him to see his father in front of his house that was about 4 houses into the street. Slamming his car door then stomping away to the door. I hated his guts. His dad was horrible to him, and he just took it.

He would never fight back and it was terrible. I wish I could do more. My eyes shifted him again, he was already walking off and I didn't even say anything to him before he left."God I'm such an asshole." I told myself before starting to walk again.

Butter's POV:

I noticed Kenny wasn't talking to me as we walked towards our homes. Maybe he was just tired, as I was walking back to my house I already heard screaming. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" "I GIVE YOU A HOUSE AND FOOD!" "YOURE LUCKY I HAVENT LEFT YOU YET!" "YOURE NOTHING WITHOUT ME LINDA!" "NOTHING!". I heard my mother screaming and crying I was shaking as my hand went to open the door. As I opened the door I saw my dad on top of my mom in the kitchen. My eyes widened as I saw he had his gun on him.

"BUTTER'S RUN!" my mother screamed as my dad kicked her and made eye contact with me. Bottle of beer in one hand the other had a gun. He looked at me and charged towards me, I felt stuck I couldn't move. It wasn't until he was about 5 inches away from me when I ran.

I didn't know where I was going just far away from him. "BUTTER'S WHEN I FIND YOU IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" My dad sounded far away and before I knew it I was in the "ghetto" part of town. "Kenny lives here!" I remembered and I sprinted and knocked on the first house in sight. I was out of breath and my leg was bleeding from tripping on the way here. Then I heard footsteps and suddenly everything started getting fuzzy then I saw nothing.

Kenny's POV:

"Hello?" I asked when I opened the busted up door. "HOLY SHIT BUTTERS!" he was unconscious right by my feet. His leg was bleeding and he was very pale and cold as I felt his body. I took him to my room and laid him on my beat up and worn out matteres. I took out the bandages from under my bed and wrapped his leg up so the bleeding would stop.

"I'm going to beat the crap out of Stephen." After checking that he was asleep I went to the bathroom to transform in case he woke up. "Darkness rises!" I whispered trying to be quiet. I opened the small window and jumped out. As soon as I landed I sprinted as fast as I could to the Stotch's house.

" Toolshed, do you read me?" "Toolshed?" I said into my watch, it was designed by Kyle who was the brains behind most of our gadgets and information. The watch allowed me to communicate with my team whenever we weren't near each other. A second later Toolshed had picked up. "Yo Mysterion." "What's up dude?" I heard screaming from his background probably his drunk dad and his sober mom fighting, again.

"I need you to come to Butter's house, I might need backup." I whispered into my watch. "Roger that sir." "Want me to get the team?" He questioned "no need I replied." "Give me less then 5 minutes and I'll be there boss."

As I walked closer to the house the screams got louder and louder. My parents fight a lot but Jesus Christ. I look for the nearest window and put my whole body through it. The glass shards cut me a little but it didn't hurt. I followed where the screaming and the sound of glass breaking was coming from.

That was until I heard a gunshot. I froze in place getting flashbacks from the past of memories I wished and prayed to forget. As I jolt back to reality the screaming had stopped, I started to panic but shortly found Stephen and Linda in their bedroom. A hole in the wall from the gun that was just fired.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" "YOU CANT JUST SHOW UP IM MY HOME!" "GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I SHOOT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU KID!" I glared at one of my best friends father. I felt all the rage and vengeance come back to me like it was flowing through my veins.

"I am here to make you pay for your crimes Stephen." I stated coldly. He lunged toward me I dodged which made him hit the wall behind me. As the opportunity showed itself to me I started to attack him. I punched him and jabbed a piece of glass into his side before he fell onto the floor crying in pain. "Take this as a warning Stephen, one more step out of line and I will KILL YOU." I saw him nod and I walked out because my job was done. But as soon as I did I felt a sharp pain in my back. fuck.

love cliffhangers 😊

Words: 1081

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