Chapter 1

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On a peaceful and normal day in Tokyo, students run to their school before the bell rings and be late. Some even play soccer on the field getting ready for their battle in school meet up. Two best friends ride a motorcycle enjoying the fresh air not caring if they will be late for class.

"Ah fresh air on a Monday, I wish it would be forever, how lovely and peaceful our school is!" Jisoo said and spread her arm in the wind.

"Yeah, idiot put your hands down and hold me or you will fall dummy," Seulgi shouted.

"Seulgi we're late!!! Drive faster!" Jisoo shouts in Seul's ear which causes the latter to step on the break and Jisoo dumps her head on Seulgi's helmet.

"Damn, my head hurts."

"Yah! My ears are ringing i think you broke my eardrums, you stupid idiot!!" She then steps on Jisoo's feet and kicks her legs and the latter hissed in pain.

"You don't have to kick me stupid! Aish" Jisoo said and rubbed her leg where Seulgi kicked it.

"Hey, you two what are you still doing here run to your classroom you're late!" The guard shouts at them and points his combined at them.

"Yeah we know old man but thanks! Hahaha," The two idiots run to their classroom room pushing and racing each other who will get first in their room.

"I win, you lose. You owe me a bucket of chicken bear!" Jisoo shouts as she enters the room not minding her classmate at all.

"You push me idiot you cheated!" She reports.

"I still win ble" She then sticks her tongue out at her.

"Tsk kids," Irene said and rolled her eyes at them before reading her book again.

"Oh hi there to you too ms vice President, Ms. ChipmunkTary, and last but not least ms president," Jisoo said and bowed at them teasingly.

"Shut up chou you're late you too Kang," Jennie said glaring at them.

"I didn't see Mr. Oldhug here where still not late my dear cousin," Jisoo replied putting her arm on Jennie's neck. And the latter slap it away not forgetting to give in a twist.

"Awww can you go easy on me? I'm your cousin you know!" She reported groaning and Jennie just rolled her eyes at her.

"You two are really best friends, you love rolling your eyes when you get annoyed and everything, I'm so glad my chipmunk here is just a cutie church girl." Seulgi said and hug rosé.

"Hands off bear." Jisoo seriously said and the latter just raised her hands up high and teasingly smirked at her.

"Oh I smell some jelly, do you smell it chip?" She asks and rosé being a food addict stands up from her chair and finds the smell.

"Nour, I think my food radar is broken." She then pouts and goes back to her seat.

"Pft hahaha food radar? Where did you get that from?" Seul said laughing her ass off and Jisoo gave her a good smack in the head.



"Can you both stop it and go to your seats will you? " Irene annoyingly said.

"Yes ma'am." The two dorks salute her and march towards their seats like soldiers.

"I can't with these two hahaha."rosé laughs and eats her lollypop.

"Where did you get that?" Irene asked, rosé was about to reply but Jennie cut her off.

"Don't bother to ask Rene," Jennie said and tapped the latter shoulder.

"Seul look, look what it said," Jisoo said and shoved the phone to her face.

"The fuck chou?" She said and pushed the phone away from her face. And the latter just struggled her shoulder at her.

"Oh, it's about the fluffy feather thing again? It's been months since that cute thing started attacking people, now they lock up the park darn it." Seulgi said and returned to Jisoo her phone.

"Not that idiot, this one, " Jisoo said and smacked Seul.

"Stop doing that my brain is now bouncing inside my skull."

"You have a brain?" Jisoo shockingly asks.

"I'll beat you right here, right now," Seulgi said and cracked her neck ready to punch Jisoo. But stop mid-way when she smells a rotten egg.

"What the fuck is that smell!? Who farted this time!" Seulgi shouted and covered her nose.

"I just released my bomb dude sorry not sorry," Jhone said and laughed his ass off. The students hurriedly open the window and push each other to put their heads outside.

"Yow Lisa you can stand his fart?" Jisoo shouts but Lisa just ignores her and continues her solving. But soon stand up and leave when Jhope fart again in front of her as he puts his butt on her face.

"What the..dude!?" She exclaimed and pushed the latter butt away before exiting the room.

"She's weird." Seulgi mumble

"Nothing new Seul," Jisoo replied and inhaled the fresh air from outside the window.

"Hey president you have to do something about him, his fart is really stink this time,i mean really very stink my god what is he even eat this morning" a student shouts in the other window and Jhope heard him then laugh evilly and all student just curse under thier breath.

"I'll kick you off next time hope, you're like a human skunk!" Jennie shouted and couldn't help but to exit the room.

"He's worse than a skunk Jen! Wait up." Irene shouts and sends Jhope a glare before following her best friend leaving Rosé trap between jisoo and seulgi.

"Fuck you both are so heavy! Get off me" seulgi said and tried to wiggle the dou but can't do so.

"No cursing Seul." Rosé and slap her head

"Yeah no cursing bear tsk tsk tsk." Jisoo butt in and shake her head at seulgi.

"Whipped chicken." She murmured under her breath but the latter heard this and pinched her secretly.

Minutes later jennie came back with irene holding a 4 air freshener and sprayed the room. Jisoo saw this and got the fire extinguisher and sprayed it all over at Jhope. The whole class blink and seulgi laugh her ass off and rolling in the floor.

The poor Jhope was carried in the clinic by V and jungkook who just arrived holding their laughs as they carried Jhope to the clinic.

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA." Soon the whole class laughed along with seulgi even irene and jennie,and jisoo being jisoo bow, thanking them for the applause.

"That was epic! I even got a video with it hahaha!" Lisa laughed and slapped her tights. The whole class stops laughing and stares at lisa in shock.

"What? It's your first time seeing me laugh? Hahaha your faces are priceless." Lisa said still filming the whole scene laughing and they nod.

"And curse too." Jisoo said nodding her head.

"She looks beautiful when she smiles and her voice is deep, beautifully deep and it can drown me." Jennie said to her thoughts and soon shook her head, what was i thinking??? Tf?

"What ever tsk." Lisa said masking her smile with a serious face and set to her chair continuing her solving that she left earlier and put her earphones to play some music.


Hi guys this is Rio yah'll author !!!! Here's my new story I hope y'all like it.

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