Chapter 14.1

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The school was in chaos, students are crying and guns is shouting around, bloods splashed on the ground, trees , walls and tents.

Some students were fighting too and some choose to hide or run away screaming.

" Where's jennie?" Jisoo shouted while firing her gun to kill the feather coming to their way.

" We don't know, let's check the building!" Teahyung shouted back and shot the feather head.

" Run to that building now! Move, Move, Move!"  Jisoo shout the top of her lung and kill another one before following her team.

"Close the door, don't let anyone in if you don't know them or have a bite on his body or something, grab those heaving things and make it block the doors and windows and WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR COMMANDER AND OUR PLATOON LEADER!?" Jisoo let a frustration shout out after looking around to find if they left someone behind.

"The platoon head is with the other soldiers fighting outside, and Lisa was gone since last night same with Jennie." Jhope said dropping his tired body on the floor.

"Fuck" Jisoo said under her breathe.

" Let's check all the rooms, maybe one of them is there. Seulgi and Jhope guard the main door." The team nodded and follow Jisoo order.

" Cookie and I will stay here and help them guard the door." Taehyung volunteer and Jisoo immediately agree, giving them a nod.

"Let's stick together and don't make a move without my permission understand?" Jisoo said.

"Yes Sir"

"Good, now let's check first the teachers department if we still don't saw them we'll go floor by floor understood?"

"Yes Sir"

"Where the fuck are you limario, you big dick this is supposed you doing this not me." Jisoo mumbled opening doors and the others followed.

"This room is empty"

"This one too"

"Here too jis,  I think they're not here." Hanbin  said after meeting the team in the last room.

"Damn, where the fuck are they? Ahh shit I regret drinking those beers my head still hurts and this shit happened then my cousin and best friend is lost and who the hell let those fuckers in!?" Jisoo groan and massage her head.

"Let's go the the second floor maybe we will see them there and smack their heads and sho–"

"Run! The feathers got in, they destroy the glass window by banging their heads!" Jungkook shout from afar running towards them with the three guy.

"Shit, run guys go! Head to the rooftop" Jisoo fired her gun and shot the creature on Taehyung back before it got him.

"Thanks sis, nice shot" He tapped his sister shoulder before dragging her with him.

"Yah, let go of me I can run on my own!"

"Yeah with those feet? I doubt you could." He sarcastically replied.

"I was trained with Seulgi every damn morning before class, I can run faster than you" She point her finger at him.
"So don't you dare under estimate me and this short legs of mine."  She continue.

"Yeah, yeah what ever you say sis.... Jennie!!" Taehyung shout not minding if he attract feathers by his loud voice when he saw Jennie limping holding the walls for support.

"Fuck Teahyung go get her and carry her they are keeping coming, Oh my God!" Jisoo stop for a moment and kill the feathers coming to there way.

Taehyung run towards Jennie and carry it without thinking twice and run following the others with his sister following behind.

They are thankful the building was not pack of people because if not? They would be dead by now or worst become one of those feather creature eating human flesh and just by thinking like that? It makes Jisoo and others puke and empty their stomach.

When they reach to the rooftop, they drop their body and lean on the wall breathing heavily.

Taehyung gently put Jennie on the floor and sat besides her.

"Is everyone here? No one is left there behind right?" Jisoo ask after locking the door with the help of Jhope and Hanbin.

"No, will Lisa is not here and the platoon head." Seulgi answer while comforting Irene and Rosé.

"Shit, I totally forgot, hey jen have you seen Lisa?" Jisoo turn her body to her cousin who seems like  her mind left its body.

"Hey, you okay?" She sat beside her and hug the latter sideways.

"I ... No, what happened outside by the way? How did the feathers get in? Is everybody okay?" She ask.

Lisa.. God forgive me.

"Hey why are you crying all the sudden? Shhh shush now" Jisoo hug her cousin tighter and rub her back when it start crying.

"I'm sorry" The latter cry harder and grip on Jisoo shirt.

Taehyung shared a look with his twin sister asking question what happened and what's the matter.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I —" The latter seems like can't let a word out and choked on her tears.

"Shhh don't talk, I will just ask you again later after you come down okay?" Jennie nodded and hug Jisoo again.

The team was silent waiting for the feathers stop banging the metal door, after a moment an explosion broke the silence.

The team stood up and look where the explosion came from, when they did, a tent catch on fire and the ground that was full of happy students running around was now look like we saw in horror movies, blood was paint on the ground the green grass was now color red and dead bodys laying everywhere, soldiers fight for their life and some got infected.

"This is just a nightmare right?" 

"This is not true, HAHAHA tell me Bear this is just a dream right? Tell me seul, tell me!!" Irene pull seulgi uniform and shout at her face, the latter look at her sadly and shake her head as an answer.

Irene cried when the latter shake her head, seulgi hug her right and murmured words to comfort the latter.

"I– I will find Lisa." Jennie break through Jisoo arms and attempt to open the metal door.


"Jennie get back here!"

"Stubborn ass, V stop her." Jisoo shouted at her twin before could Jennie make a move that will harm them.

"Are you crazy? It's dangerous out there! You can't even walk properly you think you can find Lisa out there with that state? Think carefully Jennie! And do you even think what could possibly happened to us if you open this door? Huh!?" Taehyung pull Jennie hand away from the door and push her aside.


"I— I what Jennie? Huh!!? What!?"

Rosé watch them arguing and can't help it but to cry with them, the city was in chaos , the school was in chaos and even their minds are in chaos and here's her friends arguing shouting at each other faces and cries of guns and explosions can be heard all around and feathers banging the metal door because they heard taehyung shouting.

Rosé hug her knees and form like a ball rocking her self, biting her lip to prevent crying out loud.

But Jisoo still saw this, and walk to the latter way and hugged her.



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