Chapter 7

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Jisoo pov

Me and seulgi are going in the bathroom to take a bath, I don't want to sleep not being fresh duh.

"Dude its been 2 weeks and 2 days that we're all stuck here in school, but I didn't see Lisa taking a bath with any of us, is she hiding something?" Seulgi ask out of no where while we walk to the restroom.

"Maybe she's just shy bear." I replied, her brain is really something hahaha.

"Maybe... Race you  to the bathroom hahaha." The bear said and push me before running away. Aish I'll punch her when I get there.

I ran to catch up with her but when I get there, I saw her standing like a statue in the front door. I pushed her aside and asked what's wrong with her.

"Hey seul what happened dude, you look like you've seen a ghost or something." I chuckle and she just moves her hand and points at something, more like someone, I followed it and it was lisa showering naked and she...

"Lisa?" I ask and the latter jump  away and cover her body.

"What the fuck, what are two doing here? " she said avoiding our eyes.

"You didn't tell us you have a dick broo." I said still standing rotten here in the door with seulgi.

"And its fucking huge , what size it is? Mine is 8 how about yours?" Seulgi ask.

"You ganna tell this to other and make fun of me n..... Wait, what?" Lisa confusedly asked and I just laugh at her, her reaction is so priceless.

"Hahaha your face is so hilarious I wish I have my phone right now shit hahaha." I laugh my ass out and step inside.

"I don't get it.. What do you mean? Why are you both not freaking out and run away with disgust?" She ask, she really didn't gets us, but I understand why.

"Dude we have a dick too stupid, now we know why you wont take a bath with us, welcome to the dick club dude hahaha." I said and start undressing my self and go to the other cube to take a bath same with seulgi.

"You both are intersex too? Cool, I thought its just me, we can be friends then." She replied and go back to finish her shower. This monkey really!?  That's why she didn't want to befriend us in the first place? Damn.

"Tsk, now you know genius." I replied and rub the soap in my body.

"So monkey you didn't answer my question earlier, what's your size? Mine and jisoo are the same" Seulgi asked again, not letting Lisa off.  This bear is really something.

"Im 8 ½ dude and you're just 8 tsk." I report  but this dork just raised her middle finger at me.

"We're the same chou we can even measured it together come." She stepped inside my cube and was about to compare our dick but I pushed her away and smacked her head, hard.

"You both are crazy HAHAHA I c-cant stop l-laughing  h-help my stomach h-hurts HAHAHA." Lisa said and hold her stomach for to much laughing.

"And yeah mine is 9 inches big and healthy." She said continue laughing her ass out.

"Weee!!???" The dou exclaimed in Unison and enter lisa cube.

"Hey get out! You shit, get out! Hey! Stop, I said stop!!" Lisa shout and try to push the dou out but seulgi hold her arm and jisoo look lisa toothbrush and used it as a measurement.

"Damn, broo even the toothbrush can't beat you." Jisoo said as soon she done measuring lisa but the latter kick her face away and break out from seulgi grip and push them out to her cube.

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