Chapter 5

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The serene alarm was at 5 am and each leader of the team waited for their members to line up outside.

"Get your guns and line up outside in 60 seconds!" Lisa shouts outside the tent looking at her watch and time them up. Everybody sighs in annoyance, and they get out in the tent  lining up in front of lisa.

"Today we will be practicing how to fire a gun in a shooting range, to those who hit the bullseye and are good at it will be our marksman, now after you all finish eating, I want you to ready yourself in 30 minutes if you're late, you will get a punishment AM I CLEAR!!" She shouts, she really doesn't want to do this to them but she has no choice but to follow what the platoon general tasks her.

"SIR YES SIR!" They replied

"Dismissed!" She shout.

"Dang so early of this shit Limario " Jisoo said as she stretched her arms and body same with the others.

"Sorry chou, but this is what the platoon general tasked me to do. And by the way you have to join me and you too V, I want you both here in 25 minutes in advance  to lead the team with their morning run AM I CLEAR!?" she shouted at them in the last part.

"Stop that aish." Jisoo said and joined the others for breakfast and Lisa just gave her a peace sign and went to the platoon general to give her early report.

"Sup chou."

"Sup bear damn didn't you brush your teeth? " Jisoo said and covered her nose.

"Shut up dude your morning breath stinks too." Seulgi report.

"Stop you too, it's early in the morning and you two dork are so noisy." Irene said and gave the two crackheads their food.

"Thank you rene/mother." The two said in Unison.

"Okay, who called me a mother?" She said and put her hands on her waist glaring at them, while the two dork pointed at each other with a mount full of food.

"Let it be unnie, save your energy for later don't waste it at them." Jennie butted in and put her plate on the counter.

"I'll take a shower now we only have 25 minutes left." She took her towel and went to the lady restroom.

"Oh shoot! Limario wants me to be with her side 25 minutes in advance! Jendukie waits." Jisoo shouted and hurriedly finished her food before running towards her cousin.

"Why are we even sleeping here in the tent when we have our huge classroom aish!" She shouts in frustration as she runs, the others just shake their heads at her and hurriedly finish their breakfast so they can ready themselves so they wont get any punishment.

"Boys let's go to another restroom to take a shower, let the ladies take ours so we can save time." V said and the boys just nob and followed him.

Lisa was waiting outside of the general tent to give her morning report, while waiting she overheard their conversation.

"Do we really have to take the kids in the shooting range sir? You know how dangerous it was outside this campus, we tell them to build their own shooting ground, way don't we use it?" RM ask

"I want them to train in that place because the equipment there is complete, they can shoot with safety gear on, plus the area is secure. The team checked it yesterday and cleaned the area, no monster feathers walking around hunting people they all eliminated it already." His commander replied

"But sir you can't be sure, what if there are  some of them left and just hiding somewhere we cant risk the kids life j-"

"I want you to listen to me and do my orders, no more but's and that's an order dismissed!!" He shouted at him in frustration and pointed the door, sighing RM to get out, he had no choice but to follow his command, he saluted at him before going out, and was stunned to see lisa staring at him.

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