Chapter 6

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"Fuck!! Arrange it all ready you've been doing it since these morning you bitch!" Hanbin shout in frustration, the whole class didn't get to eat lunch and now it evening and dinner time but sunoo have a hard time Assemble and disassembled  the gun in time and end up doing it again and again.

"Hey nerd why can't you do it fast? You're a nerd right? Can you fucking get this shit done? We're all hungry here for fuck sake!" Somi said and push sunoo shoulder.

"Okay that's enough, why push him down when you can cheer him and boost his courage up?" Lisa said and push somi aside.

"Oh shit here comes our leader , oh god im scared huhu Fuck you! You're so brave now huh? Cause you just hold a high possession than us  huh weirdo?" She replied and  face lisa as she stand too close for a certain someone liking.

"Drop it somi stop creating commotion here, lisa just doing her job and give you a positive advice to your empty brain." Jennie said and stand between lisa and somi and cross her arm under her chest.

"You bitch! Why you have to be so annoying and keeping your nose at my business?  Why are protecting this weirdo are you her little girlfriend?" Somi replied and point lisa who's staring at her blankly that cause her hair to stand and feel chill run at the back of her head.

"S-stop stating freak!" She said and go back to her sit with hanbin

"Watch your word somi" Jennie said sending daggers stares at her but the latter just scoff at her.

"Okay stop that!! Is this how you all act in Battle field huh!? If yes then you all will ganna be dead, instead to help and got one another back but here you are fighting each other! You didn't even lessen to your leader with this kind of behavior this team will not survived!! And be dead in no time, now shout up all of you and think use your goddamn brains you brats, now sergeant 025 sunoo start again!" " RM cant help but shout at them he cant help but feel frustrated with this brats he handle.

"Now kids keep in mind what the platoon general tell to all of you, and work us a team not individual or enemy  got it?  If yes I'll make you'll food by my self! Who likes the idea?" Miss sook said and cheer them up.

"US!! ALL OF US!!" The whole class cheer in Unison.

"OKAY!!!  Now sunoo fighting." She cheer sunoo along with the kids and the latter nob  before position him self to start his task, RM nob before timing him up.


"Finally!! A food to eat thanks to the certain someone tsk." Hanbin said and glare at sunoo and the latter just duck and focused his self at his food.

"Ahhh miss sook cook foods are so delicious it remained me of my mother cookings aish i miss my parents." Rosé said and close her eyes as she put the food on her mount.

"Me too i hope they're okay." Jennie said and play with her food.

"Hey Limario any update to that vlog you always watch." Jisoo state as she munch her food.

"Dont talk when your mouth is full unnie you're spouting it to my face aish.  And no she didn't have any update right now because i dont have my phone with me , all of our phone got confiscated idiot." Lisa said and wipe her face with the tissue that jennie gave.

"Sure manofoot."  She replied and continue eating.

"Have you'll seen miss sook?" Jungkook said as he take jisoo food and put it to his mouth.

"Yahhh that's my last bite you gay!" Jisoo shout at his face and choke him.

"Y-yah c-chou let g-go." He tap jisoo arms many times  and seulgi laugh like a sea lion enjoying the show infront of her.

"Stop it unnie kookie face is turning blue now, and you can have mine instead im full." Rosé said and push her plate at jisoo.

"Wahh chipmunk i didn't know you're sharing your foods now, can i have some." Seulgi was about to take a bite on her food but jisoo slap her hand away and glared at her before digging in on rosé food.

"Thank you pasta its very delicious." She cheekily said at her.

"We all eat the same food unnie." Jennie said and roll her eyes at the latter but jisoo just stick her tongue out at her.

"And to answer your question kook we didn't,the last time we see her is when she leave the room, carrying garbage with the staff." Jennie said

"Speaking of the staff... The one guy who just arrived these afternoon is been acting weirdly." He replied and take a sit next to V.

"Yeah and have you seen the wound in his hand? It looks like a human bite or something."

"Eh? I didn't see any wound in his arm awhile ago." Jhope questioningly said.

"Because you're busy staring at the food dummy, when he put food to our plate awhile ago his sleeve went up and i saw a bite on his arm and he seems fighting not to shake he's really weird tho." Irene response

"Ignore it rene you're making me lost my appetite." V said and push his food away in the sink.

"Lets go to our tent guys and pack up for tomorrow journey in shooting range." Lisa said and stood up with jennie and the others before exiting the cafeteria.

Back at the school building

"Thank you for helping us miss sook." The lady said and bow at her.

"Its nothing ma'am, by the way where is the guy with us earlier?" She ask looking around to find the other staff.

"I really don't know miss he is just at our back awhile ago i dont know where did he go." The lady said and scratch her head. Thier conversation stop when they heard something from afar.

Miss sook saw a figure from the dark and she walk to its direction cause she through its one of her students fooling around.

"Miss please stop its dangerous out there." The lady said looking at the dark place where the noise came from.

"But i saw someone in there maybe its one of my students." She reply and when she turn around the figure she saw earlier but is no where to be seen.

"I didn't see someone miss, lets go before anything can happened." The lady worriedly said.

"Okay if you insist." Miss sook said and nob, they are about to leave when someone hold her hand that cause her to shout.


Hi : )

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