Chapter 4

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Lisa pov

It's been two weeks since I'm staying here at school with the others students and the military didn't come yet and everything is still normal our daily class and my classmates behavior and this two dork annoying me and their other three friends are hanging out with me too...will they force me tho.

"Hey monkey you're spacing out again." Jennie said poking my cheek.

"Stop calling me that." I annoyingly said, she's bothering me again.

"What a monkey?" She innocently ask.

"Yes." I shortly replied.

"Why so cold monkey." She pout at me, I look at her and flick her lips gently, may flick it than kiss it... Wait what? I mentally slap my self.

"Stop pouting you look like a dumpling." I said  and back focussing on my notes.

"I'm not a dumpling! Yah! Oh come on Lisayah warm up a bet you're so cold as an iceberg." She said and shake me that caused me to felt dizzy.

"Aish stop shaking me! Im not cold I'm just busy." I said and hold jennie shoulder to stop her from shaking me.  I really hate myself for befriending them, but I can't help it they have been a great company with. All my thoughts were cut off when a arrogant voice butt in.

"Why waste your time with that weirdo Ms. President when you have us, right bro." Hanbin said elbowing his friend Domenic and laugh

"No one asks you and I don't want to. Please mind your own fucking business noisy bastard dogs." Jennie said and roll her eyes at them.


Hanbin clean his fist and glared at jennie.

"You shit!" He stoop up and about to come close at jennie but Lisa stand on his way.

"Dude hurting a girl makes you a gay if I were you I better think it through and step back." I spat coldly  as I shield Jennie and put her in my back.

"Step out of this weirdo or else."

"Or else what? You punch me.... Gay?" I provoked him.

"You shit!" He pushed me and was about to punch me but I was fast and kick him first sending him flyng in the board.

Hanbin hissed in pain and rush towards me, I push jennie aside and hanbin successfully throw a punch at me. This shit.

I step back and throw the chair at hanbin and kick his stomach and knee his face when he kneels that caused hanbin broke his nose,  served him right.

He was about to land a punch at me but I was fast to avoid it  and was about to kick him again but Jisoo and Seulgi stop me from attacking back and the boys stop Hanbin  separating us from each other. And bring hanbin to the clinic to treat his broken nose. Pfttttt.

Jennie broke out from Irene and Rosé grip and ran towards Lisa she check the latter if she have broken bones, she's sure she heard a cracking bones awhile ago.

"Didn't know you can fight bro, from now on we will be your discipline and you will our master." Jisoo and Seulgi bow at her, Irene and Rosé smack the dorks heads and they groan in pain, rubing their heads.

"You okay Lis?" Irene asked, Lisa just nob.

"Lets go to the clinic Lali." Rosé said as she look at lisa cheek where hanbin punch landed.

"Nah im fine, Jennie are you okay? Sorry because I push you earlier." She drove her gaze from rose to look at the bowing kitten.

"Idiot I'm supposed to say sorry here because of me, you get into fight with hanbin." Jennie said and sniffed , she tried not to burst into tears, why am I like this? I'm not like this before aish I'm such a cry baby. She said to her self.

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