Chapter 13

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Lisa was back on the training ground after spending her entire week on bed.

And that entire week, Jennie became her personal nurse and the two got closer with each other. And about Hanbin and Lisa? The two become best friends and the others still can't believe it even Dominic got his eyes out from its sockets.

"Yah!! I'm your commander put me down! I command you to put me down! Hey!" Lisa was screaming her lungs out as her team carried her and throw her up and down.

But they didn't listen to her and continue throwing her on air. They can't control their happiness when they won on team fights and win a price which is yummy foods and beers.

The game was 1v1 of leaders and who's the first team will finish the obstacles and lastly surviving on one building that full of zombies but they preferred to called it feathers than a zombie because of what they look like. And of course the feathers were not real its just the soldiers dress as one.

When they won, they couldn't help but to run at Lisa and carried her towards their tent while throwing the latter on the air.

"Okay guys stop it now put our leader down." Jennie said giggling looking at them.

"Yes pres!" They respond.

"Wow...just wow you guys listened to her and not to me, I feel offended, really " Lisa hold her chest dramatically.

"Stop with the act and come with me lets change that bandage of yours" Jennie rolled her eyes at Lisa dramatic ass.

"Yeah stop the act dude and go with your sexy nurse." Hanbin wiggling his eyebrows at them and push Lisa towards the kitten.

"Thanks for the compliment kim" Jennie wink at him and giggle.

"You're very welcome pres" The guy flirted back.

"Thinks forda komplimint kim nye nye, lets go" Lisa girly mimic Jennie in annoyance and walk towards the first stumping her feet leaving the latter behind.

"What's up with her?" Hanbin ask scratching the back of his head.

"Looks life our commander is jealous. And you made her jealous dude." Jisoo chuckle putting her arms on jennie shoulder.

"Right cous?"


"H-huh? my ass, go to the jealous monkey now and do your work." She push her beloved cousin towards the tent and laugh.

"Okay guys lets prepared for tonight's celebration and tanks come with me lets go to the platoon general and claim our price! While our commander is resting." Jisoo clap her hands together.

"Chou can I come with you guys?" Rosé ask cutely.

"Yes sure chipmunk." Jisoo immediately agree with a heart shape eyes staring at rosé.

"How come that I have a dense cousin? And stupid sister?" V asks himself staring at the lovesick sister  like a chicken and to the dense cousin of his, entering the tent.

"I don't know ask your mother and uncle." Jungkook laugh and patted the latter shoulder before following Jisoo and the tanks.

"You mean to your future mother in-law right babe?" V said running to the bunny's side.

"Oh shut up, they might hear you"

"I don't care" V rolled his eyes and walk ahead from him.

"Kims" Jungkook shake his head smiling before coaxing his lover.

On the tent.

Jennie entered the tent quietly and took the aid kit from the table while Lisa who is setting on the bed watch her every move.

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