Chapter 8

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Third person pov:

The students are now in their tent staring at space, Hanbin is pacing back in forth before going to Lisa direction.

"Hey weirdo, lets fight." He said.

"Why?" She emotionlessly reply not caring at all and looking at his direction.

"Because I want to, do you hear me!? Because of you, Miss Sook died! You just left her there alone, instead of bringing her with you three!! This is all your fault!!" He shout at her face before dragging her outside and push her in the ground before punching her face.

Their classmates got alert and follow them outside.

"Come, stand up you piece of shit. Fight me" he saif and kick her stomach.

"Hanbin stop it! None of them are at fault, specially lisa, Miss Sook choose to risk her life for them, they didn't ask it or order her that cant you see?" Jennie said and pulled him away from Lisa.

"Stay out of this Jennie, its non of your business!" He shout and pull his hand from jennie's grip.

"It's my damn fucking business hanbin! Im your class president and y'all my responsibility and Miss Dook specially told me that to stop the fight you're creating and maintain the peace of our class before this shit happened! So stop this nonsense hanbin, stop being childish!" Jennie shout and cant help but to outburst.

"Responsibility my ass! I'm not a childish person here jennie that weirdo let our teacher dead! Can't you hear me? She is the one who let our teacher dead!"

"She's not!! Miss sook chose her own faith , don't blame others with this Hanbin because its not Lisa's fault, caused Miss Sook choose to protect her students instead of running for her life!!" Jennie shout at him and her face is so red because of anger, why this bastard dog cant understand!? Stupid!

"Shut up you bitch!!" He shout in frustration and slap jennie that cause the latter to drop in the ground because of the heavy impact.


"You dare to hit her and can't even understand her every word you stupid bastard doggie!!" Lisa launch to his direction before giving him a hard blow punch on his face.

"I myself is blaming me! Because of what happened! But can you be more mature and look deeper huh? I didn't choose or want this to happened too hanbin. And stop hitting people around you because of your anger, stop being an asshole!" Lisa shout at him and shaking from anger, she throw another punch at him.

"And that is for slapping Jennie! You bastard even a fragile girl is no exception! Tell me are you gay!? Huh bastard?!" She took his shirt coral and look at his eyes.

"Come on let that little girl come out from y-" lisa didn't finish her word when hanbin punch her face and choke her on the ground.

"Im not gay you shit!! Stop saying nonsense! You're the gay one here a freak weirdo nerd gay! Who have a dick!" Lisa widen her eyes as soon she heard the next word coming from hanbin mouth.

"Surprise are we? Even your 2 freak friends have one tsk what a disgusted creature." He said as Lisa is still struggling from his grip but he didn't know that he loosen up his grip and lisa got out from it and kicked his crotch tell he roll on the ground and groaning in pain holding his crotch.

"So you are there all along?" Lisa muttered sending daggers at hanbin before giving another kick on his crotch.

"I wasn't, I was just bout to enter the bathroom but Isee you freaks showering naked with a thing on! Fuck." He hold his crotch and ball into the ground.


"Painful ey? Did i broke your little nuts? Oopsie " Lisa cover her mouth giggling.

"Little? Im bigger that him dude? Hahaha what pity~" jisoo pout looking at the groaning hanbin.

"Uhuh like a little green pepper chili." Lisa replied smirking at hanbin who's looking at them in hatred.

"The fuck? Dude that cant satisfied a girl a big no no, what are 8years old? Pft." Seulgi laugh at him tapping his head.

"Hey domenic are yours a tiny too?" Jisoo ask looking at the latter who's been silent.

"Amm errr-

"Nevermind I already know the answer pftt" the two dork laugh dragging the groaning hanbin to the toilet and lock him up.

"Try to free him I'm sure you'll end up with him inside that stinky cube."seulgi said sending him daggers.

"What's y'all staring at? Go back in the tent NOW!" Jisoo shout.

"Opss sergeant jisoo mode is back!" Seul laugh and smack jisoo shoulder.

"By the way where's Lisa?" The dork ask in unison.


Lisa pov

I'm here in the tent clinic with Jennie, Irene and Rosé, they'd bring me here as soon as I collapse in the ground. Tsk. the dorks didn't even see me and continue teasing the pepper guys a.k.a hanbin poor guy.

"Rene, you guys go back first in our tent I'? sure the two dork are finding us now just tell our whereabouts in the team and let the twins do thier job." Jennie said to her two friends while wiping Lisa pretending asleep face, and the two nod in response.

"Okay, you sure, you don't need our help?" Irene ask

"Nope I got this, now off you both go and take a rest." She replied shoving her friends away.

"Okay² kitten i know you just want some alone time with y-" rosé didn't finish her word when the cat cut her.

"Shut up and leave already!" She whispered shout before pushing the two laughing girls out of the tent.

"Be careful jen your lili is big and healthy i don't want you to get hurt." Irene said teasing the latter who's having a red cheek now, jennie push them out and closed the tent.

What are they talking about?

Big? And healthy?

Are they talking about vegetables?

Irene and Rosé are giggling on their way towards the tent where the team is.

"Unnie can't believe the three have it and the two dorks hide it perfectly for a long time we've been with them." Rosé said who's holding a flashlight.

"Hmmm and they're loaded, cant believe our dork is not just a special child but also can give us a child oh lord..." Irene blissfully said and Rosé giggled at her.

"Ah ah what took them so long to ask us out? If I can't take it anymore I'll be the one asking jisoo to be my girlfriend that stupid chicken." Rosé frustratedly said.

"I guess you're not that innocent after all chip, you surprise me there hahaha." Irene replied and laughed at the blushing chipmunk.

A/n pov

"You heard that Dude?"

"Yeah.... Let's make our plan now so we can make a move."

"Can't wait"



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