Chapter 9

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The students watched the soldiers place their teacher's body on the ground with the other dead bodies, pouring gasoline all over it, and they watched as one of the men threw a lighter on it and the flames crawled over the dead bodies including their teacher. Creating a big fire, the students were crying and sniffing except for Lisa and Hanbin who's staring blankly at the fire.

"Miss Sook deserve to be buried properly, not like this." V muttered.

"But we can't do anything, its the general highly ordered." Jungkook replied putting his hands on his pocket, hiding his clenching fist.

"So what are we ganna do now?" Seulgi ask after they watch the body's burn into ashish.

"I guess nothing, we're stuck in this school anyway." Jisoo replied dropping her body on the ground watching the clear blue sky.

"How about you dude?" She added. Asking Lisa who's been quiet.

"Nothing too." She shrug, shortly replied

"Hmmm, damn we're hopeless." They grunts releasing a breath.

"Okay move your ass, its time to train so next time you can protect your selves, there's no time to slack off." RM voice eco to the whole ground, and the students start lining by group groaning.

"Can he just let us rest and mourn for our teacher that just die?" Somi frustratedly said stamping her way to the groups line.

"No can do,his persistent, only if I could put a bullet to his skull." Hanbin pose imagining that he was holding a gun aiming towards RM.

"Pew!" He make a sound shooting  then laugh.

"Your insane." Somi giggle along with Dominic slapping Hanbin shoulder.

"You three! Care to share what you laughing at?" RM deep voice ring the court stoping the trio from what they're doing.

They scoffed at him, RM exhaled before averting his gaze to the other groups, and Hanbin secretly raised his middle finger behind his back.

"Guy's" Lisa interrupt that caused Hanbin face to sour.

"Fuck off freak." He snapped shoving his face at her.

Lisa gritted her teeth and push him, enough for the latter to take few step back.

"Platoon 2 in the sun now!" The team groans and sends daggers to Hanbin and Lisa before standing in the sun, til the general told them to comeback in the training area.

They stand there, watching other students taking command and run to the field and mino team forming a line exiting the school, they heard that they got order and train to the shooting range and shoot guns for real.

The platoon who got punished, groaned in envy and cursed the two under their breath.

They all stand til noon when the general decide to feed them.

"This is hell" Mark slam his body on the chair gulping a big amount of water.

"Tell me about it." Jeong replied groaning on her seat.

They are in the cafeteria now eating their daily food  that they force to eat. RM let them rest for the day, because he had received an order to follow Mino's team. The Platoon 2 were in cloud nine when they heard the news.

"But I'm still happy, we get a day off, thank god!" Mark raised his water bottle dramatically.

"And I'm going to sleep, so my ass can get a rest, do what ever you want to do byee." Lisa said exiting the cafeteria with a lazy grin.

"Big D wait up!" Jisoo shouted running towards her.

"Okay medium D" jisoo gasp and slap chucking Lisa head.

"Medium D HAHAHA" Seulgi donkey laugh eco the café.

"Stop laughing -D medium" jisoo replied with her 3D IQ brain, smiling caused she still not the small one among them.

Seulgi gasp and hold her chest before chasing the laughing chicken outside who's chasing the laughing monkey too.

"Did they just talk about their dick?" Irene ask in disbelief.

"And they seems not tired too, how great is their stamina?" Jennie voice carry an amusement tune asking.

She and irene exchange knowing glaze and that seems they're thinking the same way.




Their staring contest ended and they averted their gaze to the coughing chipmunk with a pink cheek.

"The innocence is gone~" the duo sang in unison and laugh at the red chipmunk.

They exchange a high five continuing teasing rosé who's blushing uncomfortably.

"Their crazy" Hanbin group stared at them with disgust taking their food with them in the rooftop.


The night came and Lisa was still wide awake, tippy toes, sneaking quietly so one will wake up and disturb her plan.

She sign in relief then run to the other building where the bathroom is carefully, once she got there she took the knife she stole earlier in the cafeteria and start undoing the escrow on the bars.

When she was done she carefully place in down and silently climb, when she was successfully on top and was about to jump, someone hold her hand and almost scream in surprise.

Jisoo cover her mouth preventing her from doing it so.

"What are you doing?" She whisper ask.

"Amm... Aish! Im escaping!" Lisa frustratedly replied messing her hair in annoyance.

"Where?" Jennie peek at the back with the girls, lisa facepalm herself and bite her knuckles, she was so careful how did they saw, feel, and followed her?

She mentally ask herself and puff a big amount of air.

"Nowhere, everywhere  or to my dorm I miss my cat?" She said, more like asking them and herself.

"We are going move" Jisoo said pushing Lisa aside and climb next to her.

"What? No! You guys are not coming with me!" Lisa hissed.

"Nope!" Seulgi replied popping the P sound and climb too.

"Besides the general said we have to stick to each other and follow our commander which is you..., so here we are!" Irene clapped her hands and grabbed Seulgi for support climbing with them in the roof followed by Jennie and Rosé.

"How did you guys know I'm going to escape?" Lisa asks placing her hand for Jennie to grab on.

"We figured, you're acting up so we obverse and followed you here, now let's go!" Jennie answer tapping Lisa back after helping her.

Lisa was about to protest but she couldn't do anything with their stubborn ass so she just let them follow her quietly.

They jump off the wall and grab woods for their weapon and sneak to the gate. When they successfully out and start to walk down town.

A truck stop them in the road and a light shine through at thier back and RM show up from their view.

Lisa groan looking the RM face and the squad drop the woods that they're holding and raise their hands in surprise.

"Will hi there."

"Fuck" lisa curse and rolled her eyes at him.




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