Chapter 12

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Jennie pov

"How is she?" I stood up from the ground as soon as Jisoo got out of the tent and immediately asked her.

"She's okay, the doctor said we will just have to wait for her to regen her consciousness and wake up." She tapped my shoulder before dragging me to where I sat earlier.

"What happened out there by the way? And how did Lisa get unconscious?" I ask before taking a seat beside her and giving her water.

"The stupid Domenic happened, and Lisa being Lisa saved his crying ass — what is it supposed to do with you by the way? Are you perhaps worried about the monkey?" The damn chicken asks with her eyebrows going up and down, and a teasing smile dances through her lips.


"N- of course, she's our commander you know? Are you that damn to ask that kind of question?" I angrily said and I could feel my face is getting hot.

I think it's anger..

Yeah it's definitely anger.

"Woah, chill jendukie... I'm just asking you know?... Voicing out my thoughts?" Jisoo raised her both hands giggling.

So I punched her stomach and choked her.

"Ak—... Jen" she tapped my arm, and I let her go because she's turning blue.


"You're so defensive jenjen hahaha" I was about to hit her again but immediately went away from me.

"Woah, geez woman! Calm down... I know you badly want to see her just go inside, I'm done teasing you, you're such a saddest." She pushed me inside the tent and ran away before I could land a punch on her face.

"No monkey business jennie or should I say don't force lisa to have a se-"

"Yahhhh!!!!" I shout at her before she could finish her sentence.

That damn chicken has the guts to annoy me, hmph.

I look at the stupid laying on the folding bed sleeping face full of bruises and a bandage on her head.

Injured monkey sleeping on the bed should i K. I. S. S. I..... what!!

I shook my head to erase my silly random singing thoughts, and took a seat next to her.

"Stupid baboon" I mumble

I was about to fix her bangs  but a hand stopped me from doing so, when I look at it ... I saw Lisa already staring at me more like frowning at me.

"What are you going to do with my precious bangs?" She protectively covers it like her life depends on it.

"Amm... Nothing?" I furrowed then continued.

"Really?" She squeezed her eyes looking at me deeply like I just told her a great big fat lie.

"Really, why are you making a big fuss about it? I was just tryin to fix your messy bangs." I glared at her and her mouth from an O.

"Oh... Kay you can fix it now." She cheekily smiled leaning close to me which took me aback and held my breath.

"No, I change my mind I'm going to cut it!" I frustratedly said and pushed her face away from mine.

She stared at me in horror before going away from me but failed to do so because she can't balance herself yet.


A loud bang eco inside the tent and her groaning in pain as she feels on the ground.

I hold my laughter and walk towards her, helping her back to the bed.

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