Chapter 14.2

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"Are you crazy? It's dangerous out there! You can't even walk properly you think you can find Lisa out there with that state? Think carefully Jennie! And do you even think what could possibly happen to us if you open this door? Huh!?" Taehyung pulls Jennie hand away from the door and push her aside.


"I what? You didn't know? What happened to you by the way? Why are you like that?" Taehyung asked his cousin after giving his lecture on her.

Jennie bites her lips remembering what she saw this morning, she can't remember what happened but she guesses it already after waking up with someone naked.


"Huh?" Taehyung stared at her in disbelief wondering what happened to his smart ass cousin, seems like the feathers already eat her brain.

"I was asking you, why are you limping? What happened to you out there?" He repeated.

"I woke up in a wrong position and w—when I tried to get up, I lost my balance and slam my self on the door and I l—land in my both knees." She explains and cursing her self for stuttering.

Taehyung seems not buying  her excuse but he nodded at her anyway.

Rosé watched them argue and couldn't help but to cry, seeing them like this broke her heart and the explosion and  the chaos outside didn't help either.

She stood up and went further from them, once she was on the other side of the rooftop she sat on the corner and hugged her knees rocking back and forth.

She flinched when someone suddenly hugged her. "It's Jisoo shhh" she immediately hugged the latter and cried on her chest.



I was breathing heavily after i close the freaking door after running for my life, the school was in chaos when i woke up and jennie was gone missing and explosion , scream , growl and cry's everywhere and its making me dizzy and wanted to puke but nothing comes out.

Outside was hell and here I am in a the lab room hiding from those fuckers outside trying to make my breathing normal after grabbing all the things here to block the door.

I look outside and i have to tell you the view is very not nice and i hope the squad are alright and jennie's with them.

I look around tryin to find something sharp so I can use it as a tool to defend my delicious yummy self from those hungry feathers.

"Alas!!" I cheered as soon as I saw a lil knives, i think they used it to cut a frog chest. Gross

I grab the bag and put all the knives there and grab two for defense. I tie one on the stick, will its the map that i broke hehe but no one cares ,the school was a mess so there is no time to worry about the teachers punishment besides who knows if they're still alive.

Okay lets focus now and think of a way to get out here.

"Shit!!" I curse and point the knife when someone breaks the window.

"Whoa! Calm your ass red , where's your team?" RM patted his pants while talking.

"I don't know sir i got separated from them," I bow then...

"You scared the shit of me, why break the window when you can just slide it left or right!?" I whine while massaging my chest to calm my poor heart.

"Sorry kid, i just jumped off of that tree"

"Eyy now you learned something from me" I said wiggling my brows at him.

"Focus stop fooling around" RM glared at me, he just doesn't have a heart to compliment me aish this old man.


"Yah! Move backward , why are you bleeding? Are you inflicted ?" I point the weapon at him and he raised his hand in responded.

"No, and it's not my blood dumb dumb" he snired.

"How can you be sure" I said looking at him blankly.

"If you don't believe me then i'll just strip." I widened my eyes in responded.

"Gezz Sir stop, my poor eyes wohoo"

"I'll beat you if you don't stop, and you owe me an explanation later manoban why you're not with your team"He said staring deep on me.

Gezz so serious

"Hehe sorry" I lowered  the knife and gave him a peace sign.

"Now use this and give me some of  that knife too and make a plan how to get out of here alive so we can meet the others in the rooftop without getting biten by them." He said after giving me the gun.

"You know where they are?!" I exclaim in excitement.


I hugged RM oppa without hesitation and cried my eyes out.

"What's wrong with you?" He ask frowning but still patted my back , aish this old man is soft as a cotton candy.

"Im just glad that you know their whereabouts  and...and your alive and that i have someone besides me oppa, thank you for being alive," I hugged him once more before pushing myself away from him and whipped my tears.

"I'm glad that you're alive too Lisa"

"Now lets warm up and get out of here,"

"Yes!!" I happily replied.

Me and RM start climbing outside the window  checking each before jumping to the other side.

Damn if I drop from this height Im sure i will die.

I said to myself after looking down and close my eyes to pray.

"Come on kid," i just nooded  to and continue to follow him.

"Grab this and copy what I'm doing and be careful we're almost there,"  I nodded again and grabbed the rope that he just threw in the 9th floor to pull us up.

"Dont appear on the window , we dont know if a feather would jump in any time if they'll see you," I gulp and nodded again

"God this is suicide huhu"

I climb to the 9th floor following the command general steps in order not to get fall and I'm sweating like hell!

I slam my ass on the 9th room after checking the place while oppa creates a wall in the door.

"Fuck im tired"

"Rest for a bit then we will keep going , five more floors of red and we'll meet the others" I just nodded AGAIN and closed my eyes and took a rest.

After a minute of resting, the lead general woke me up because the feathers were outside and told me we had to keep going.

We do the same trick again, after climbing for decades tell one more floor to go and finally oppa moves his ass to give me a  way to climb, but unfortunately, my butter fucking sweating hands slip away because Seulgi's face pops out of nowhere.




Hi!! ^-^

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