Chapter 16

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3rd person POV

"Yey! Foods!" Rosé ran and took the bag from Taehyung.

"Wow, this is a lot. Guys come on, reload your guns." Jisoo distributed the ammo to them.

"Is this thing still working sir?" Jungkook asks as he examines the radio box.

"Yes, be careful with it. That's the only thing we can use to contact the other camp."  Jungkook nodded and checked the radio again.

"Sir, may I ask?" Angel ask.

"Sure what is it?"

"Am, guys where's Rolf?  And why is Mark tied up? Is he bitten?" Angel asks


The silence was the only response Angel got.  Looking at Mark who's crying, Angel drops to her knees when she understands the situation.

The squad stops from what they're doing and holds their breath to stop the tiers as they look at Angel's reaction and listen to Mark's cries with agony.

"I'm sorry....we're sorry," that was all can RM said to her before walking far from the team to breathe some fresh air.






"What ya looking at there, Oppa? Is there a hot survivor  chick  at the distance?" I used both of my hands as binoculars resting my elbow on the railings.

"Just bloody feathers, there's no hot survivor so far." I chuckled at his reply and rested my face on my hands looking at the distance, and a long silence followed after that.

"Please stop blaming yourself anymore oppa," I started after the long silence, sucking up air through my nose and blowing through my mouth. "Rolf wouldn't be happy," I add.

"I can't help it kiddo, I was supposed to protect you guys. Yet, I did nothing and just watched Rolf hang himself at the window instead of pulling him inside the room before the stupid feather jumped on him." He growled, clenching his fist.

"None of you expect it to happen oppa, please don't blame yourself anymore, arraso? Rolf didn't visit your dreams to blame you right?" I bumped his shoulder and he chuckled a little shaking his head as an answer.

"See! So it means he didn't blame you!" I beamed. " Please cheer up, the team needs you oppa. We need you." I add, staring directly into his eyes which he responds with a warm smile.

It's been two days since I woke up from lala land and my head was still in bandage, which is annoying as fuck. And it's been two days since I knew about what happened. Rolf is a good man, it's just sad to know he's not with us anymore because of the accident, and about Dominic? No one talks about him from now on, not even Hanbin.

"I have decided," he suddenly said.

"About what, oppa?" I asked with a brow raise because of curiosity.

"I've decided to train you sharper than a knife, by myself and make you a great leader to the team."

"Huh?" The what now?

Next day


"Sir, the radio still not working at all. I think it's broken." I said, after trying to make the radio alive a hundred times.

"Fuck" I heard him curse.

"Yeah, fuck." I giggled and rolled my body to lay flat on my back and look at the birds, flying freely in the sky.

Fluppy Feathers (G¡p/jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now