Chapter 10

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"Really? Cleaning a bathroom? That's what he can only came up with?" Jisoo said in disbelief still crabbing the toilet bowl.

"Just clean chou, so we can get out of here soon." Irene replied rolling her eyes at her.

"Now I regret following you guys and Lisa" Seulgi muttered pouting.

"Not my fault, you guys have stubborn noisy assess." Lisa spat back brushing the tiles furiously.

"Okay we get it, there's no need to rub it in our face." Seul pouted even more.

"Stop pouting you look ugly." Lisa brush her hand on her face that was from the toilet bowl.

Seulgi face scrunched and  glared at Lisa before throwing the brush to the latter direction, but Lisa avoided it and duck, the brush hit jisoo face with unbelievable expression.

"You!" Jisoo throws the wet towel that she uses to clean the dirty mirror at them but the two move aside and it hits Irene face to jennie's chest.

The duo face became red in anger, if they were a cartoon character, their noses and ears with be smoking like a teapot in heat.

The trio stare in horror and hide at Rosé's back holding its shoulder.

Rosé forces herself out from them and goes to her Unnie's, better on Unnie's side than be doom herself with the idiots.

Lisa and Seulgi share a glance and push Jisoo in front before saluting at her.

They seem to salute at her in bravery and goodbye before stepping aside near the door ready to run incase jisoo won't survive.

Jisoo gulped and stared nervously at them fidgeting the end of her shirt.

"I- i didn't mean it... I was aiming this two and they avoided it.. Please don't hurt me I'm — was just getting revenge at them I was cleaning peacefully." Jisoo cried claps her both hands and kneel.

The two widened their eyes, horrified. Jisoo just chicken out and its their turn. Jennie and Irene head  shot to the dork place and raise their one eyebrow.

"I was getting revenge too, please spare me, monkey was the one to get punished, she started it!" Seulgi shout and follow jisoo on the tiles crying ugly. Lisa facepalm.

Why do they have to be such a coward?

"Why are you guys so coward? Move!" She smugly said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will not do it again" Lisa cried, dropped next to Jisoo and Seulgi saying sorry and apologizing, promising not to do it again while bowing

Jennie and Irene tried their best to keep a straight face, not to crack and laugh.

But failed anyway, but that doesn't mean they get away through it, the girls throw the cleaning stuff to the trio telling them to continue the work, while they(the girls) do nothing, and that was their punishment for dorking around.

The tops can only sign and nodd their heads for being hopeless, they was about to start cleaning again but V barged in.

"Whoa! You guys are... Dang, what's with the face?" He chuckled looking at the trio who's kneeling on the tiles groaning at him.

"Anyway as much as I loved to tease you guys. I cant right now, RM order me to summoned you and report to him ASAP." He added.

"Us?" Lisa pointed herself and the two dork looking like a puppy at him.

"Yes" V giggle.

"How about them?"

"RM only requested you three, sorry girls." He replied and look at the girls helplessly which they returned with knowing nod.

The trio eyes lift up and cheer silently.

Dang, talk about great timing.

"Roger that!" They said in unison before hurriedly following V outside not bothering to steal a glance to the girls, afraid they might received some wrath before leaving.

Telling them to comeback after meeting RM and continue their work.

Hell no, that's not going to happened.

"Guess it's their lucky day ha ha." Jennie laugh sarcastically and grab the brush, which irene and rosé follow and they start cleaning the last cube.

"You summoned us sir?" Lisa stated.

"Yes, i want you three to prepared we are going somewhere when the sun rised, your twins are coming too and hanbin." He replied placing map on the table.

"What!? Why him? Can we bring jhope instead of him sir?" Lisa exclaimed.

"Yeah sir bring jhope instead of this fre- lisa." Hanbin stutter when RM send him a warning glaze.

"No, make this opportunity to trust and work together as a team, much better if you guys become friends." He firmly replied.

"But!" Hanbin and lisa gaged and exclaimed together.

"No buts" they clenched thier fist silently and nodded. Jisoo patted lisa back and give her a smile calming the latter up a little.

Hanbin scoffed and sat on the chair loudly groaning, RM shrugged and start to discuss.

"This is the place we're heading to, its way to the shooting range, we have to rescue the platoon 1 which is mino team."

"Why?" Hanbin interrupt.

"Because the feather already spam to thier area."

"You mean the zombies? That's what you called them? Like the one who attack our teacher?" He ask, and gritted his teeth at him.

"Yes" RM blankly replied.

"No! I'm out of this mission, i wont risk my own life just to save those shit head, go there by your selves I'm not going, i dont care about this training thing anymore I'm going home." He spat standing to his chair attempting to get out of the tent.

"No you're not going out of this school!" RM bark that caused to surprise the latter.

"Watch me"

"This places on the map with X mark on it, is already infected the school is the only safe place here on Osaka, we have to save them so we can get out here with them and go to Yao together." RM said in anger, explaining to him the situation where they are and how dangerous outside the school.

"H-how about are parents?" Seulgi ask with her shaky breath.

"The people is already in the evacuation center in YAO..." RM paused, he dont want to say more and leave a word that give them hope that one of those people is their parents.

Caused he have no idea, not all the people on osaka have been rescue some were infected, what he mean about some is, 75% of the people have been infected and he doesn't have the list of the people that have been rescued.

"Lets proceed, the clock is ticking." He continued right away before they can boom him a question that he cant answer.

He told them where to go and what's the safest rode to walk towards thier destination. After that he teach them how to used a gun properly and to shoot it, and Surprisedly they get it fast.

3 hours more before the sun rised and they ready to go, RM and lisa put jungkook in change on the platoon 2 remaining team whose left behind while they go to the mission.

Hanbin drag dominic ass with them and the latter keep crying and throwing tantrum at him, but later shut up when hanbin drop a threatening word.

The clock hit six, the team was all protected with gear and guns as they began to start thier journey.



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