The Potions Essay

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And in the end, we shall achieve in time,
The thing they called divine.
When all the stars will smile for me,
When all is well and well is all for all.
And forever after,
Well, maybe in the meantime, wait and see.

They had a magnificent party in the Gryffindor's common room, a tradition when they won important games. Their dazzling celebrations were well known over the castle, — McGonagall allowed them, pretending to know nothing about it.

Regulus wasn't spotted anywhere else that day, though James doubted it was because of their defeat, nevertheless, he didn't think much of him, Lily had given him a little peck on the cheek for winning, and Peter had stolen snacks from the kitchen in his honour. He couldn't deny he enjoyed being the centre of attention, and he was bloody good at it too.

The following morning, —thankfully landing on Saturday— the fuss had vanished, it was early, and they didn't get the usual amount of sleep, which had everyone in a bad mood, except James, he had never gotten cranky, not since the marauders had known him.

  "As I was saying," drawled Sirius, doing nothing so as to stifle his yawn. "I finished all my essays yesterday, so I'm going to nod off for a while, see ya' suckers".

How did he even have time for that? Thought James, but waved him either way, watching his tangled black hair disappearing through the door of the great hall.

  "I'm following you," sheepishly added Peter, — this apparently triggered something, because Sirius' face dropped in annoyance, letting out a deep sigh, Peter, of course, didn't notice a thing. Lately Sirius had been acting quite dodgy, he wasn't even present half of the celebration party, and he had less and less time for their 'study' sessions, but he was probably mad at Peter for some nonsense again, — it couldn't be helped, they weren't best mates, not like James and him.

"I'm going to go to the library, I've got to finish my potions essay," groaned Remus, incorporating lazily, like his limbs weighed more than his will to get up.

"I'll go with ya', haven't finished half of my work," James reciprocated his feebleness with the same excitement.

"Alright, let's go then".

The marauders split in two, as they silently made their way to the library and engaged in their work, sitting in front of each other. Remus didn't speak while he studied, he took it very seriously, often offering to finish their work just to get them away from him, — Sirius on the other hand was unbelievably good at everything he did, so he didn't need to focus that much. James liked to think he, too, was a very good wizard, a procrastinator one too though, that made things harder to accomplish. And Peter, well, he worried too much about everything, so his talent was probably hidden under all that anxiety. "Hey, er, Moony?" James smiled slyly, choking out a single chuckle.

"Hm?" Remus hummed without taking his eyes out of his book, his eyelashes fluttering as he slowly blinked.

"Did you finish your transfiguration —?" 

"I've finished everything. You can copy whatever you need, okay? Just let me focus," he spat, James had never been happier of being aggressively interrupted, he instantly snatched Remus' work and started copying it without a shame in sight.

About half an hour later packed with weariness, James had finally finished the pile of work he'd been putting away, he was now writing the only essay Remus hadn't let him copy, potions, a pain in the arse. In the middle of his messy scribbling, Lupin suddenly jumped on his feet like a spring, the opposite of his usual leisurely to move, — James raised a suspicious eyebrow at him.

"I've got to um, go," he quickly excused himself, and scudded away before James could respond, — with a single shrug, he went back to his work. It was Remus, he was a little dicey, it was best not to ask him about what he did behind walls. Don't ask questions you don't wanna know the answer to.

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