Do it Just for Me

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Love is you, you and me,
Love is knowing we can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.

"Yes," Regulus sighed, his eyes broad.

James smiled, as widely as he could, and lunged at Regulus. He grabbed his chiselled jaw and their mouths met, he pressed their lips together, hopeless for Regulus' touch.

It was soft at first, but then the young Black surrounded James' neck with his arms and brought him closer to his chest, James clutched the boy's dark hair and opened his mouth, so did he; oh, they were desperate for this, every innocent touch, every missed gaze, it all paid off for this moment, their tongues interlocked together, like they were dancing a choreography, their movements mirrored each other's, they pressed their bodies together, like seizing the memories of a dream after you wake up, as if this feeling could fade.

They pulled inches away to breathe and smiled at each other, their lips plump and their hair messy.

  "I love you, Reggie, you have no idea just how much."

Regulus smiled, he couldn't say it back, but he felt it, very deeply. They grinned at one other, unable to break their loving gaze from each other's eyes.

  "I hate it when you do that," Regulus breathed out, unconsciously caressing James' cheeks with his thumb.

  "When I do what?" James grinned, staring at the boy's face, touring every detail of his perfect factions.

  "That. You have no business in being that beautiful when you smirk."

  "I could say the same thing about you, but Merlin, I do love it when you smile... do it just for me, yeah?"

  "I can't help to smile when I talk about you."

James gave Regulus a soft, quick kiss.

  "As you should".


Neither Regulus or James showed up that morning, nor did they in the evening.

The younger Black's slender fingers travelled from James' belly button to his naked chest, they had been lying in the Gryffindor boy's bed for a while now, too tired to do anything else, too in love to be with anyone else.

  "I didn't know you had tattoos," James breathed, having a close look at the one in his right shoulder, it had strange characters he couldn't understand.

Regulus looked up, he was lying on James' side, his head resting on the boy's muscular arm and their legs interlocked together.

  "I'm planning on getting more, maybe some antlers on my forearm," he smiled, winking an eye at him.

  "Oh, they'd sure look badass, I wouldn't mess with ya'."

They both chuckled.

  "What about you?"

  "Oh well, I might get some done after all this is over," he said nonchalantly, shrugging it off.

  "All of this? Do you mean... the war?"

James nodded slowly, Regulus narrowed his eyes.

  "I hope we're still together once it ends."

  "Mhm," whispered Regulus, they both stayed silent.

Maybe James hoped Regulus would assure it would be that way, that they'd stick together until the end of times. But he didn't, nor did James.

  "We might as well take advantage of the time we have now, yeah?"

Regulus nodded, he climbed on top of James, sitting on his stomach, he slid down his chest until their lips met once more, James smiled, Regulus kissed his smile.

The bliss of ignorance could really be compared with their one and only heaven, it was easy to be happy without responsibilities, but it was inevitable, time seemed to stop when they were together, maybe nothing was as bad as it seemed, they both chose to believe that, they chose to be naive.

Although a voice was haunting them: the reality, the consequences, nothing they did was going to be enough to hush it, it didn't fade, it wouldn't allow them to enjoy the little time they had, it wouldn't stop the pace of the inexorable war - nothing was going to.

But, oh, it felt wonderful to be ignorants.

James caressed Regulus' waist, his thumb going up and down his v-line, he loved to feel Regulus shudder with pleasure, Regulus loved to be adored.

Suddenly, the dormitory door opened wide, a very wobbly Sirius' came in, followed by Remus and Peter, they appeared to be laughing their arses off, Regulus had the exact fraction of a second to turn into his animal form, before he caught his brother's eye.

  "Prongs! Where've you been? Is that a cat?" He said this really quickly, like a waterfall of words, sounding like a mouthful rather than a phrase. Despite this, he managed to get the attention of the remaining boys, who rushed to James' bed, he wished the earth would swallow him whole.

Remus pulled a weird grimace, while the other two caressed the fluffy cat, who looked tremendously flustered, gripping James' stomach with its claws.

  "What are you doing in your underwear?" Remus asked, his eyebrow raised suspiciously.

  "I was hot, that's all," he shrugged, although he could've sworn Remus gave him a funny look.

  "Right," Sirius frowned, petting the scared looking cat, "what about the furry creature? A cat just like this used to wander around my house, I have no idea how it managed to get in and out. Poor Reggie never got to see it."

James almost gave a guffaw of laughter, but thankfully he managed to hold it in, his face going red with hotness.

  "Oh, hah, funny story that is, erm... I found it? Stuck on a tree next to the lake," he explained as he covered himself with his blanket, trying to ignore the mention of Regulus.

  "I don't get what's funny about that," mumbled Peter, but no one paid attention to his snappy comment.

  "Let's say we believe you," Sirius said, looking at the other boys for assurance, "why didn't you tell us? You didn't show up for the entire day? I wouldn't know, but it feels sort of dodgy, don't you think, Moony?"

  "I consider James looks uncertain, we should let him sort out whatever he has going on, is that right, Prongs?"

James nodded, giving his friend a gentle smile of gratefulness, which he returned feebly.

Sirius frown was deeper still, he looked confused.

  "Sometimes it's impossible to understand you lot. I'm gonna go look for Reggie, I fancy a talk with him," he declared, and exited the room with loud steps, Peter blinked in astonishment.

James started pulling his pants up, free from the attention he was previously given.

  "I'll head to the kitchens, do either of you want anything?" He stressed, his foot shaking.

  "No Wormtail, we're alright. Off you go," shrugged Remus, and then the blond boy left the room nervously. Remus' judging look returned to him, although it looked more empathic than reproachful. "What in the world is up with you?" He shock his head, his eyebrows knitted together.

James sighed, watching the cat leap off the bed and rush away from the room by the gap in the doorway.

  "You wouldn't understand," he muttered, massaging the bridge of his nose, bowing his head down.

  "Oh, James, I believe I'm the only one who could understand you. And I'm confident that you are aware of that..." he gave his phrase just the right amount of mystery to gain James' interest.

Their gazes met, Remus looked exhausted, dark eyebags rested under his brown eyes, his scar slashed all the way up to his eyebrow, there was another one on his neck, which slithered under his shirt, his hair dark blond hair was messy, but it looked good despite it. Moony seemed moral, he looked earnest but kind, a weak smile creeped to his lips.

  "You fancy Regulus, don't you?"


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