The Unpleasant Discovery

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Don't wanna hear about it,
Every single one's got a story to tell,
Everyone knows about it,
From the Queen of England to the Hounds of Hell.
And if I catch it comin' back my way,
I'm gonna serve it to you,
And that ain't what you want to hear,
But that's what I'll do.

The week went on by pretty smoothly, the homework was tougher than ever in seventh year, but James and Sirius never had trouble in that certain area, they were just lazy, Remus was struggling a bit, Peter on the other hand was full on stressing like it was the final exams already, they tried to calm him down, but it was useless, as always.

They were all studying peacefully in the library, till suddenly, Remus stood up.

"I'm going to go."

"Hold up! You didn't finish the herbology thing yet," James frowned.

Remus seemed exasperated.

"I just gotta go," and he scurried off. Sirius didn't say a thing.

The minutes went by, James noticed Sirius' leg brushing against his in a fast motion, his hands were gripping the quill tightly, and suddenly, he got up too and got his stuff into his bag, James doubted he even cared that his papers were smashed under the weigh of his various books, and the ink probably spilled all over.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom to... take a shower" he said, poorly holding his grin.

"To shower?" Peter tilted his head, gazing at his wristwatch, "at eleven o'clock?"

"Er... yeah" nodded Sirius, and he ran off too.

Peter shrugged and went back to his homework innocently, but James shook him by the shoulders.
"Wormtail! We have to follow them! C'mon!"
He debated, homework was more important, but he couldn't say no to James, so they both ran behind Sirius, soon later getting under the invisibility cape.

They caught up with Sirius in a moment, he walked at a fast pace, he was going to the fifth floor boy's bathroom, maybe he was getting a shower, James thought, but not for long, because when he opened the door, Remus was there too, resting his torso against a sink. Peter and him exchanged surprised looks but stayed silent. They registered the floor, but there weren't any potions on the floor, any sign of a prank.

"Hey," Sirius smiled.

"Hello," Remus simpered, his voice sweet like honey, his eyelids resting over his half closed eyes. For a moment James thought they were just getting high together, and decided to stray a bit longer despite Pete constantly picking on his robes, pleading to back off.

They got a bit closer, Sirius looked around frantically, but Remus stopped him when he placed his two hands in his face, and smiled at him doozily. What happened later, well, James nor Peter expected it. Remus pulled Sirius into a kiss, they were fully going at it, hands and all, Sirius was grasping Remus' hair for dear life while the other lowered his fingers to Sirius' waist. James couldn't keep looking, he shoved a very perturbed Peter silently out of the boy's bathroom, they barely made it to the dorm room when they flopped onto the floor with a puzzled expression.

"Wh- "Wh" They both started at the same time.

"You first," said James, avoiding closing his eyes in case the image of their friends returned.

It took a few seconds for Peter to react, he blinked lots of times, trying to process what happened.

"Why?... How?... I don't understand"

James nodded in agreement, he couldn't put together one question that would put him at ease.

  "Why didn't they tell us?" He said without thinking, that hurt him the most, they were his best mates after all.

"I guess... they were scared... I didn't know Remus liked boys" Peter narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean Remus? Sirius was with Mary, he wasn't... like that either"

"Oh he told me a while ago... and Lily, thought y'knew."

"I didn't." Spat James, "I need to take a walk" Peter got up with him, but James pushed him to the floor, accidentally too strong, "alone."

He didn't wait for Peter's reaction, he exited the dorm room and then through the fat lady, he stomped by the empty castle heading to nowhere in particular, he walked where his feet directed him to, and he ended up climbing the stairs to the astronomy tower. He was angry, at Peter, at Lily, at Sirius, at everyone, really, he just wanted to punch something, and once he reached the tower, he did, he kicked a telescope and bawled. "Fuck!"

"Who, exactly?" A familiar, cheeky voice sniggered behind him.

He turned around to see Regulus, sitting cross-legged on the floor surrounded by books and notes, he was almost relieved to see that in his eyes was no sign of mockery.

"Everyone but you," he smiled.

"It's hard to believe my eyes. Angry James, thought I wouldn't live to see it," he half-heartedly grinned, clearly unbothered.

James almost chuckled, but the vision of Remus and Sirius went back into his head, automatically vanishing the warm feeling Regulus gave him, a revolting memory that was, for sure.

"What's on that mind of yours?" Regulus pushed, resentful for his fate, lowering his gaze to his books, no longer paying attention to James' absently minded pace.

"I can't tell you."

"Alright," Regulus shrugged, he definitely didn't mind. James' mind was too busy to shut up.

"But, it's something about Sirius," he started.

"Thought you couldn't tell me," he frowned, still not looking up, but uncomfortable at the mention of his brother.

"He kept a secret from me," James confessed, and he thought it sounded kind of childish, so he added: "a very important one."

"So? Friends often keep secrets from each other, everyone does."

"No, not us" James stopped pacing around and sat beside Regulus, who flinched subtly.

"That was to expect. Bloody Gryffindors," he teased, but seeing James wouldn't talk back, he shrugged. "Sirius wouldn't keep it from you if he doesn't have a reason, so stop whining before you ask him about it," Regulus said, startled for his lack of usual rudeness. Even though he didn't want James around, he stayed anyway, and the worst, is that he didn't even mind him.

James looked at him, a bit too long, Regulus looked away when he smiled.

"You're right, Reg, he probably has a reason," he repeated, stretching his arms.

"Don't call me Reg, Potter," he hissed.

"Don't call me Potter then, Regulus."

"Fine, James," Regulus scoffed.

"Fine, Regulus," he mocked.

Suddenly, his bag made a noise, James got up and searched for the source of the sound, that ended up coming from the mirror Sirius and him shared, but there, wasn't Sirius' face, it was Peter, he looked paler than usual.

"James! I'm hearing them, they are in the common room! You've got to come back," he flustered.

"Alright! Alright! Calm down, I'll be there in a minute," James sighed, and shoved the mirror back in, he didn't even question why Peter had it in the first place.

"They are coming? Who?" Regulus asked, curious for the first time in the course of their conversation.

"Remus and Sirius," James answered, unable to shut himself up.

"I don't see why that is a problem, but I couldn't care less, so off you go."

James smiled at the posh accent Regulus had, and got his bag, but before disappearing by the stairs, he poked his head out.

"Why were you here, anyway?"

Regulus gazed at him while he extended his right leg.

"I like stars."

James nodded, ignoring the fact that it was twelve in the morning, he ran to his friend's hurry.


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