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I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style,
And so I came to see him, and listen for a while.
And there he was, this young boy, stranger to my eyes.
Strumming my pain with his fingers (one time, one time)
Singing my life with his words (two times, two times)
Killing me softly with his song.

Two weeks. Two buggin' weeks and Sirius still didn't forgive James, still, that wasn't the worst thing, Remus wouldn't speak to him either, the just gave him apologetic looks and subtle smiles when Sirius wasn't looking. If things stayed like this for much longer, he would probably have to spend Christmas alone, for the first time in six years. No, no way, that wouldn't happen.
James rushed across the corridor, he spotted Sirius and Remus walking to transfiguration class —they would no longer walk together, and Peter promised he would accompany his girlfriend to class, everyone had noticed though, the marauders, split in half, rumours everywhere.

James touched Sirius' shoulder, he gave him a dirty look, but not full of snakes like the last days.

  "I was wondering if you'd like to spend Christmas in my house, like always," James smiled gently.

Sirius gazed at him.

  "I'm sorry, I already told Remus I would be spending it with him," he replied dryly.

  "Oh," James just sighed, he'd lost his best mate, "send me letters, yeah?"

  "I'll think about it," and he walked away.

Remus mouthed a quick "sorry," and followed him.

He stood there, puzzled, he couldn't deny it, as much as he loved Peter, he could never be Sirius, no one could ever be.
A warm hand touched his arm, he turned around to a very miserable looking Lily, he'd almost forgotten of her because of Regulus.

  "Hey, James," she said, sweetly gazing him in the eyes.

  "Lily," he answered.

  "I'm sorry you're going through this, I know you were really fond of Sirius."

Fond of. He wasn't just fond of Sirius, but how could she know. Regulus would know what to do, James thought, even if this was kind of his fault. Plunged inside his head, he forgot to answer, Lily got worried once again, she searched his eyes anxiously.


He returned her look and falsely flashed her a smile.

  "Yeah, I'm alright. These things happen, thanks, though, for worrying."

  "My pleasure, let me know if you need anything, yeah? At all," she smiled back.

  "Mhm," he answered feebly.

She walked away, flipping her red hair, that beautiful silky hair that used to turn him madly in love with her, now he just wanted to be alone, he raised his head, and saw no other than Regulus Black staring at him from across the room, he met his eyes sternly, and he left.

Why did everyone leave him?

  "You're gonna be late, mate," called Frank Longbottom  as he rushed towards the transfiguration class.

  "Yeah, thanks".


James faced the last two days of class, he was still alone, even though they slept in the same bedroom, it was like they weren't related any more, the situation was getting rather unbearable by now, James did all he could to apologize, but Sirius told him he needed time to think, at least this gave him hopes, it wasn't totally over.

James was dragging his feet along the hall, leading to the common room, when Remus suddenly dragged him to an empty corridor, he looked around and met his eyes.

  "Listen, James, Sirius misses you, I do too, but he's a knucklehead and won't give up his pride," he flustered, grabbing James' shoulder.

"So? What am I supposed to do about it? I've already apologized to him hundreds of times"

  "You can't do anything, but I can assure you, next term, we'll all be good and jolly again," he smiled, what a reassuring smile he had, James thought, but it didn't last for long, he spoke again, "I don't think you should see Regulus again, though"

James didn't think about what would happen after he fixed things with Sirius, but he did miss Regulus a lot too, he couldn't just give him up that easily.

  "I uh... er, I'll think about it, yeah?"

  "Mhm," Remus nodded, "see you, Prongs"

James nodded back and headed to the dormitory, he let himself fall on his bed defeatedly, but something under his back crunched, he got up at once and squinted his eyes, someone had left a note on his bed. He looked around, but no Sirius, anyone there.
He took a few steps and grabbed the letter; R.A.B.

James slowly opened the envelope, inside was a letter beautifully written in a yellowish parchment paper, with just a few words engraved on it in dark ink.

'Meet me in our place, alone. And rip this letter to shreds, it's safer this way.'

The Day the Music Died | Jegulus, WolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now