Everyone But You

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Take me to the edge of heaven.
Tell me that my soul's forgiven.
Hide your baby's eyes and we can.
Take me to the edge of heaven.
One last time might be forever.
When the passion dies.
It's just a matter of time before my heart is looking for a home.

It was a rainy, humid Sunday, the castle was silent, the students were still asleep, they were Regulus' favourite days, when the wind clashed against Hogwarts' cold stone and the birds sang, their wings slashing through the downfall. When the nature was in peace, and the silence flooded the empty halls, while the time seemed to stop and the air felt heavy.

The thunders made Regulus shiver, he adored that sensation, he adored to know that nature was ahead of him, that it was more powerful than any wizard... even Voldemort. His bare name made him shake too.

Suddenly, some light yet noisy steps made him lift his head from his work, James entered the room with heavy breaths, his eyes still sleepy. Since he, along with other Ravenclaw students, were the only ones awake, James joined him uninvited.

  "Good morning Reggie," he smiled, his voice so hoarse, it made the back of Regulus' head bristle.

He nodded in response, watching his friend nearly melt over the table, he buried his head in his arms. A cold sensation invaded Regulus' back, soon he found out why.

  "Top of the morning to you two!" Nearly-headless Nick announced, casually floating behind them, "how are you feeling in this fine, fine forenoon?"

  "Tired," mumbled James, not bothering to lift his head.

  "Oh, I can very much see that. What about you, young Regulus?" He asked, in that very accentuated posh accent of his.

  "Renovated, rainy days feel like a fresh breath, don't you think, Nicholas?"

  "I heartily agree, Mr. Black. Pleasure to have a word with you, see you around!"

Regulus smiled, and then Nicholas went to greet other students.

  "God, hearing you two talk makes me feel like I'm back in the nineteenth century," James drawled, with a pinch of comedy in his words, enough to make Regulus smile.

  "Sod off."

James chuckled huskily, oh, if he just knew what that triggered inside Regulus. If he knew what their little, stupid conversations meant to him.

  "You're really one of a kind, y'know, Reggie?"

The Gryffindor boy said, taking a deep breath, turning his head towards Regulus with his eyes still closed.

  "What do you mean?" He asked, his words muffled with the sound of the storm, gaining strength each minute they spent talking.

He opened his eyes, his big, hazel eyes, framed with long lashes, and smiled, just as he was about to open his mouth, some giggly girls entered the great hall, interrupting their conversation, and their silence.

Lily Evans, her arms locked with Mary McDonald.

Oh, he hated those girls.

He stood up, like some divine force took over him, ignoring James' gaze following him, he left. He did feel like a coward running away every time they showed up, but he just couldn't see James with her, he couldn't see that girl doing everything she wished to do, in front of everyone, not caring about what others could say. It wasn't fair.

He accidentally slammed the boy's bathroom's door which such strength, it bounced instead of closing, he grabbed his head, massaging his forehead.

Dear heart, why him?

  "Fuck!" He yelled.

  "Who, exactly?" James peeked through the door.

Regulus couldn't help but smile.

  "Everyone but you."

  "What's up with you, Reggie?" James asked, putting an arm on his shoulder, "you've been acting all dodgy for a while now."

  "You wouldn't understand, James, just... leave me alone, will you?" He said, tearing his hand off himself.

  "No, I won't. Please, tell me, I'll do my best to understand, alright? If I don't, then I'll leave you on your own, just as you want."

God, why did he always have to be that kind? Regulus was theorized to be the one with the heart of a lion, not James. But, confronting the truth, there was no point in concealing the fact that he was nuts about him, and if he was meant to suffer, better get over with quick, like ripping off a plaster.

  "Fine, do you really want to know what's wrong with me?"

James nodded, his eyebrows raised in concern.

  "Since I met you, no one else has been worth thinking about, I'm utterly, royally, in love with you, and I'm doomed to see you every day with that Evans know-it-all, kissing like there's no tomorrow, right in front of me. I'm dwelling my worst nightmare every single day since we got back to Hogwarts," he ranted, loudly than he intended, his eyes glassy. James' expression didn't change, but it was no use trying to discover if that was a good or a bad thing, Regulus just couldn't stop, like a river full of rage, finally wild.

  "You treat me like I'm some sort of Prince, I don't know why you decided to talk to me in the first place, and it's driving me crazy, I don't know the reason of anything you do, your unpredictability baffles me to the point that I'm in awe of you," he said angrily, and taking a deep breath, he proceeded, "Merlin, do you know what's the worst thing? I've fancied you ever since you sat with me in the library, and I've been trying to ignore it for the past year, it's getting impossible, unbearable, I can't handle my feelings any more, which is ironic because you are the only one who can help me sort them out... you're everything for me and I hate you for it, and God, I love you for it more than you could ever imagine."

  "Are you finished?" James said, his expression unreadable. Regulus took a deep, heavy breath.



—I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, I promise it's worth it—.

The Day the Music Died | Jegulus, WolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now