Anything for our Prongs

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Cover me with kisses, baby,
Cover me with love.
Roll me in designer sheets,
I'll never get enough.
Emotions come, I don't know why,
Cover up love's alibi.
Call me (call me)

  "Wake up! Mum's making breakfast!" Grinned James, shaking Regulus' limp body, he groaned huskily as he rolled over and covered his face with a nearby pillow.

  "Piss off!" He mumbled, his voice muffled, nevertheless James wasn't hearing him any more, he was sliding through the room with his socks, grabbing last minute packaging from his room and pulling his Gryffindor jumper on, the one Regulus had been using through the holidays, it still smelled faintly of him.

The fuss was unbearable, but it was James, he couldn't be bothered. Regulus got up and headed to the bathroom, while James stood in front of the mirror trying to comb his beautifully messy hair, which wasn't in the mood to be tamed, so he decided to let it be, no one expected him to show up combed anyway.

He stormed downstairs and sat in the table, Regulus didn't take too much time to join him, more calmly, of course, he looked flawless, as ever. The house was messy, food and objects flying above their heads as they stuffed the breakfast inside their mouths, Fleamont was busy trying to read the paper while Euphemia crossed things on a paper list, floating on her side, she looked like an octopus doing so many things at a time.

James couldn't quit grinning, he was polishing his new head-boy plaque he'd got in his Hogwarts letter, which arrived just a few days ago along Lily's, —she had called to tell him the news, and she was more than jolly when she heard they'd be sharing tasks together, so was James, but for other reasons: he knew she'd be doing the boring work—, since then, thankfully nothing else had happened among Regulus, so they had a chance to have fun together, barely speaking of the dark events, or the kiss.

They both had been thinking about it, though. More than they wished to admit.

When they finished eating, they both went to the bathroom to wash their teeth, then climbed up the stairs to get James' bags, Regulus expected his to already be at Hogwarts.

  "Look, James," he started nonchalantly, watching his mate stress over the bag not closing properly, clearly forgetting he had a wand, at any rate, he was enjoying seeing him suffer.

  "Mhm?" he mumbled, not paying much care, now laying chest-down over the case while trying to reach the zip.

  "I don't think we should, see each other any more," he started, this caught James' attention, he lifted his head and tilted it, that dog-like charm that made Regulus melt. His glasses were crooked over his nose, he looked goofy, the young Black chuckled, and with a wave of his wand, the bag closed shut, and James' specs returned neatly into place, he gave a small grin of gratefulness and stood up.

  "I mean inside Hogwarts, they can't suspect of us, not if we want this to work."

  "Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, we can still talk through the mirror, and you know, meet in the astronomy tower," he smiled, Regulus grinned back, and unconsciously stepped closer, "what, Star-boy? You thought you could get rid of me that easily?" James chuckled, they were inches away, the young Black giggled too as James started tickling his sides, he'd figured his funny spot ages ago while they were playing wrestling.

  "I-I wasn't planning to," stammered Regulus, trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably.

  "Uh-huh," teased James, tickling him more aggressively, Regulus stepped back, eventually hitting the wall.

  "Quit it!" He yapped.

  "Alright, alright, no need to get all fussed up," he smiled as their eyes met, then they realized how close they were, Regulus was hidden under James' shadow, he was much larger than him, like a stag.

The Day the Music Died | Jegulus, WolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now