John's Responsibilities

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Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try.
No hell below us,
Above us, only sky.
Imagine all the people,
Livin' for today.

James hurried to their dormitory, he arrived a few seconds after Remus and Sirius, they were all minding their own business, except Peter, who seemed at the verge of a panic attack, his left eye twitching. His sudden entrance made Sirius give him a weird look, and he returned it.

  "We need to talk," he stated, Remus looked from the back of the room and came closer, stepping lightly, as if the floor was made out of eggshells. The tension was palpable.

Sirius nodded and sat sheepishly in his bed —which wasn't Sirius-like at all, Remus on his side.

  "Go on," he said.

  "Fine," James started, looking at Peter for reassurance, "I uh... I know, about you two, I mean, we know."

Sirius was white as a paper, Remus was weirdly calm, but his stare was dry.

  "What, exactly, do you know?" He asked.

"We saw you snoggin' in the boy's bathroom," Peter pointed out, James elbowed him at the lack of sensitivity, Sirius looked like a dead body by now, but his sea-blue eyes were fixated on James.

  "How...?" Started Remus, but since he didn't keep talking, James answered.

  "We thought you two were doing a prank without us, so we followed you with the invisibility cloak..." seeing the look of disgust and shame on Sirius' face made James' heart shatter, "I'm sorry... I really am."

Everyone stayed silent a few minutes till James spoke again.

  "I don't mind this," he gestured Remus and Sirius, "but... why didn't you tell me?"

Sirius sighed.

  "I don't know, I thought maybe... maybe you would be grossed out and wouldn't speak to me again..."

  "You are a total tosspot, Sirius Black."

Sirius sniggered quietly, along with Remus, and a weak smile coming from Peter.

"We're best mates, we're brothers, we don't keep secrets to each other, remember?" This statement strangely enough made him think of Reg, but he wasn't a secret, he wasn't something to keep from Sirius, but it wasn't necessary to tell him, either.

  "I'm sorry, I would've told you before... but hey, you spied on us, so we're even, yeah?"


The totality of the marauders smiled, it was like they were reunited once again, keeping their relationship from the others was tiring, and they often felt shame about it, so this was like a breath of fresh winter air.

  "So, since all of this is sorted, are you guys a thing? Or just snoggin'?" James snickered, uncomfortable about it, but still trying to be nice despite it all. The possibility of people he knew liking boys was a thought he would keep for later.

Sirius rolled his eyes, but Remus placed a hand on his thigh.

  "I think I can say, we're pretty much together, aren't we?"

He smiled, and Sirius smiled back

  "Yeah, we are."

  "Gross," gagged Peter, for once, James agreed.

  "Oi! Slim it, Wormtail," Sirius laughed.

  "Bite me, Padfoot!" James bawled.

   "Wanker!" Sirius replied.

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