The Unfairness of the Glasses

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Shakedown, 1979,
Cool kids never have the time,
On a live wire right up off the street.
You and I should meet,
June bug skipping like a stone,
With the headlights pointed at the dawn,
We were sure we'd never see an end to it all.

The muffled sounds of King's Cross station deafened them as they shoved people out of their way trying to get out of the train, the kids rushed to hug their mothers, and the marauders stuck together till they reached an empty spot, away from the fuss. The cold breeze chilled their faces, they rubbed their hands for warmth and walked closer together.

  "My mum is right there, I see her! Let's go," called James, eyeing his parents, mixed in the crowd.

  "I er... I'm spending Christmas with Remus, remember?" Said Sirius staring at his feet, he wasn't quite used to having arguments with James. Even though the guilt was eating him alive, his pride came first.
"We're walking to his flat."

Oh yeah, almost forgot that, thought James, first Christmas alone.

  "Oh yeah, I recall. What about you, Pete?" They almost forgot their friend was standing there with them.

  "M' going to France with my family, sorry James," he offered an apologetic smile, just like Remus', it was starting to get him sick.

He flinched.

"See you lot around, then. Bye," he waved, and before they could answer, he left without looking back.

James' mum beamed at him, with that sweet, noble smile of hers everyone seemed to love, his dad reached for his luggage, and then they all hugged tightly.

"Where are your friends, dear?" Asked Euphemia with the most goodwill of intentions, but James quickly started walking the other way, dodging his mum's question, they followed their son.

  "James, honey, is something wrong?" She said touching James' back, but he tore it away unintentionally.

"I don't want to talk about it, alright?"

She nodded apologetically and looked at her fiancé, who returned her gaze, and shrugged.


James was now sitting in his twin-sized bed, limbs spread, staring at the ceiling with his glasses off.

This didn't mean the marauders broke up, didn't it?

No, probably not, hopefully not.

Then suddenly, his pocket started making swaddled sounds, he jumped to his feet and grabbed the mirror, there was another face in its reflection, blurred, why was it blurred?

"I've got to say, the glasses don't make you any justice, James," a familiar voice snickered.

Oh, that's why. He quickly grabbed his glasses and smiled at Regulus.

"Thanks for that. What's up? How's home?"

"As eerie as always, I feel like a bat in a cave, thanks for asking. Oh, and I overheard that Sirius would be permanently disowned, they finally gave up of him, thought you ought to know it, since you are 'best mates'," he explained with his usual charm.

James tilted his head.

"Can't figure out if that's good or bad."

Regulus bit his lip while he looked up.

"I'm working on it. Just tell him, he shouldn't come home this Christmas, things might get... unpleasant, for him."

"I would, but er..." he broke their eye contact.

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