The Black Cat

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We walk together,
We're walking down the street.
And I just can't get enough, and I just can't get enough.
Every time I think of you,
I know we have to meet.
And I just can't get enough, and I just can't get enough.

The dark, fluffy cat purred, rubbing between his legs, it's tail ostentatiously stretched to the sky.

James sighed a laugh as the soft hair tickled his calves.

"I can't believe this, are you... an animagi?"

With the blink of an eye, the puss turned back into the shape of a slender boy, whose hair resembled the cat's, so did his pomposity. With a mischievous grin, he chuckled, dropping to the floor.

"I figured it would be a nice experiment to try out," he shrugged.

James fell on his side, his mouth wide open, he was choking a nervous laugh.

"Hah- fun experiment?" He tilted his head back in awe, "this is very, very serious magic, I mean... you could've died!"

Regulus giggled, surprised at James' concern.

"I wasn't aware of the danger of it when I was thirteen, you know?"

The Gryffindor boy's jaw dropped to the floor, if that was possible.


"That's right."

"Merlin," James raised his hands to the air, "I was told you had formidable abilities, but I wasn't aware of your magnificence, mister Black!"

"Slim it!" Regulus sank his face in his hands, James could've sworn he saw a bit of blush coming to his pale cheeks, but then again, it was dark, he couldn't know for sure.

"Wanna see something cool?" James asked, jumping like a spring.

Regulus raised his head, frowning, and nodded feebly.

In less than a second, James became a strong, wonderful creature: a stag. With immense antlers and a fuzzy chest, its eyes were noble, glistering with wisdom, around them, there was dark hair, resembling his glasses.

Regulus started getting up, very slowly, with his mouth hanging open, he approached the animal with flinching steps, like it could run away, and stretched his hand to the muzzle of the stag.

It gave a few steps in his direction, and finally met his hand, its nose was cold, humid, he could feel the deep, heavy breaths tickling his hand. He caressed the snout of the stag and travelled to its head, rubbing between his ears, and followed the brown stripe that moved all the way to its back.

"Fascinating," he muttered every few seconds while he touched the soft fur of the creature, but he jumped back when a thought kicked in: he was caressing his friend, not a stag. "Crap! Sorry, I got...carried away. Truly...brilliant."

James turned back with a wide smile, from ear to ear.

"I didn't mind. In fact, I didn't know I enjoyed head pats so much, I'm usually the one who gives them to Padfoot."


They both went silent, they could hear the wind whistling, sneaking in somewhere, the pages of Regulus' books being turned by the draught.

"Now I get it. The nickname's thing," mumbled Regulus.

James nodded, even though he knew Regulus wouldn't notice.

"Sirius is a dog, then, I suppose?"

"Yeah," James half-heartedly whispered, he rubbed his eyes, feeling a headache forming. Regulus didn't say anything, instead, he felt that characteristic rubbing against his calves, he looked down holding his glasses, and smiled when two green eyes met his.

The cat twirled around and around his legs, till James knelt down to give him a pat.

"That's what you're gonna do, then? Turn into a fluffy puss to make me feel better?"

The dark feline blinked a few times at him, and rubbed his head on James' hand.

"Alright, here's what we're going to do," James sighed, he grabbed the cat by the chest —which made a squeaky sound— and carried him to where Regulus' cloak was, after wrapping him with it, he got comfortable on the stone floor and brought him close to his chest, feeling his fast, yet paused breaths against his hand, "just like in home," he whispered.

Regulus' cat form quickly got accustomed to James' grip, and fell asleep in his embrace, they both did.


"Blimey, is that you, James?" A high-pitched voice woke him.

The Gryffindor boy rubbed his eyes and readjusted his glasses, still half-asleep he squinted.

"Chris?" He mumbled, his voice still groggy from sleep, that made Christopher, Remus' student, shiver, even though James didn't realize.

"Aha, that's me. What are you doing up here?"

James scrunched both his nose and eyes, not habituated to the sunlight.

"I could ask ya' the same thing," he said, still recapping the events of the night before, "apparently I slept here."

"I had some things to get done..." he anxiously said, avoiding James' eyes; he noticed, but he didn't yet have the energy or the interest to ask him about it.

"Alright," he answered, hoping he didn't sound too rude, when suddenly, a slow movement near his stomach made him snap his eyes wide: a small, furry head peeked through Regulus' cloak, which was extended over the two of them.

"Wowza! You have a kitten?" Chris smiled, his eyes illuminating, he knelt next to a very flustered James, who was trying to find an explanation to avoid Chris' bubbly curiosity.

Regulus jumped off James at the sudden attention and stared at Chris with his big, round, green eyes, clearly annoyed.

"Can I touch it?" He asked, but unfortunately didn't wait for an answer, as soon as his hand met the cat's fur, he bit it, "ouch!" he yapped.

James got up and grabbed Regulus to avoid causing more damage.

"Uh, sorry about that! He isn't used to people," he side eyed the ragged cat and gave Chris an apologetic smile before grabbing Regulus' stuff, "could you not tell anyone about this? Cheers, bye bye!"

The Gryffindor boy leaped down the stairs, without looking back at a wide-eyed Chris and ran to the boy's bathroom, thankfully empty, and then, Regulus bit him, "Hey!" He groaned, after dropping the hissing cat to the floor, which soon turned to the boy James was so fond of.

He looked just like his cat-from, hair messy and eyes massive, staring at him with irritation, "why did you let him pet me?"

"I couldn't do anything about it. Now stop fussing, my head hurts," he groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

James heard Regulus sigh, he locked his gaze with the blue-eyed boy. He blinked, very slowly, his face was relaxed, his eyebrows were almost raised, his eyelids were resting over his sleepy eyes, his mouth hanging slightly open.

They both laughed loudly. Once they could catch their breath, James smiled.

  "It was nice, I mean... I liked being with you," he simpered.

Regulus nodded feebly.

  "Me too. I've got to leave, James."

  "I know," he drawled, "when will we see each other again?"

The young Black narrowed his fair eyes, he was engulfed in his own thoughts.

  "You'll know."


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