Cosmic Dancer

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So I start a revolution from my bed,
'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head.
Step outside, summertime's in bloom.
Stand up beside the fireplace.
Take that look from off your face,
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out.

Click... click... click.

  "Hey! Quit that," Sirius hissed, kicking James' shin with a spiteful strength.

James stopped flicking his quill against the wooden table in consequence. "Ow!" frowned the tan boy, getting the teacher's attention, who — noticing it was him — sighed in defeat and continued reading about goblins, being nonchalantly aware that half of the class wasn't listening to his unceasing drawl.

  "What's up with you? Anyway, you've been antsy the entire day," Sirius pulled a grimace, slipping further forward on the old table.

James shrugged and returned to his notes, feeling Sirius' eyes all over him for a few seconds, then finally avoiding his relentless suspicion.

He really didn't know the reason of his anxiousness, but it definitely had something to do with Regulus, he wanted to be with him all day, and when they separated, he constantly thought about him; he worried, too much. But being with him meant eventually their time would run out, and the guiltiness he felt while caressing Regulus' hair only made it worse.

He plunged his head in his hands unconsciously, he felt his robes slipping away from his shoulder, then suddenly, someone pulled the collar of his shirt aggressively, momentarily taking his breath away; he lifted his head so quickly it made him dizzy. Sirius was staring at him with a mischievous grin.

  "So, who are you keeping from me? Mister Casanova?" He raised his eyebrows repeatedly, his steel blue eyes squished by his cheeks.

James felt his heart stop beating for a second, his mouth parted and his eyes widened.


Sirius pulled once more of his collar and suggestively raised his eyebrow. James followed his eyes to his clavicles, where a pretty noticeable hickie was laying still, he sighed with relief.

  "Oh! That, err, it's from no one in particular," he smiled awkwardly, pursing his lips.

  "Right, no one in particular. You're still messing around with Evans? She's crazy 'bout you mate, dunno what you did, but it worked like a charm," he dumped this really quickly, then stopped, squinting his eyes. "Hold on... did you?"

  "Did I what?" James frowned, tilting his head.

  "Charm her."

  "What? No! Why in the world would I do that?"

Sirius shrugged. "You used to be obsessed with her."

That statement single-handedly boiled his blood, for no particular reason. It's just the thought of even thinking about someone else romantically felt infinitely wrong; James was a very loyal boyfriend, no matter the person he was dating.

  "Yeah, but I'm not anymore, I told you a thousand times," he snapped, more rudely than he intended, bowing his head over his work, accidentally spilling ink over the white, neatly written pages. Sirius raised his hands, staring at the mess James was trying to patch with a wrinkled paper, apparently forgetting he owned a magic wand.

  "Alright, alright, don't get all pissy with me. Who's the love bite from then?" Sirius asked, the room suddenly feeling entirely too warm for James' liking.

He was about to open his mouth, when a firm hand grabbed him from behind, he snapped his neck back, and saw Remus standing up, adjusting his bag over his shoulder.

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