Chasing a Star

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We've got the right to choose, and,
There ain't no way we'll lose it.
This is our life, this is our song,
We'll fight the powers that be, just,
Don't pick on our destiny, 'cause,
You don't know us, you don't belong.

James widened his eyes, his mouth was hanging open. Rushing away from Remus' penetrating gaze, he sprung up as he shock his head in denial, walking about on the creaking floor.

  "What? No! No way, that would be gross! It's Sirius' brother we're talking about here Moony —plus, he's a boy, why would I ever fancy him?"

Remus frowned with a lopsided grin, he stifled a laugh.

  "Right, Sirius is James' best friend, other than that a boy... why would I ever fancy him? Gross," he repeated with a very exaggerated accent, apparently mimicking James'.

  "It's different, Moony, alright?" He plunged his head in his hands, Remus stayed silent, quietly watching James return to his seat, beside him.

They spent a fair few minutes in silence, only Remus' raspy breaths could be heard over the feathery breeze caressing the windows, the dullness that remains after a storm. Remus slowly raised his arm, and lightly slapped James' wide back, nodding at him.

  "You know you can tell me anything, James, judging you would be the last thing I'd do. I'm a werewolf, a homosexual, half-blood, orphan wizard, and you still accepted me, innit? You all risked your bloody lives for me... Merlin, you could turn into a fair monkey and I wouldn't mind," Remus chuckled, James smiled at him as he adjusted his glasses. "So, are you going to tell me the truth now?"

James shrugged, giving his friend a half hearted grin, nodding back at him. He puffed his chest, taking a deep breath, and finally releasing the air into a tired sigh.

  "Alright. You know that erm... I uh, I actually -well, not really but. God, I'm just going to say it..." He turned towards Remus, clasping his thick hands together decidedly. "I fancy him. No, I don't fancy him, I love him. I'm utterly in love with him, and he's in love with me too, but I'm too much of a wussy to say it out loud, for Sirius to know," he took a deep breath without looking at his friend's reaction, he felt strangely calm after revealing his deepest, darkest secret.

  "Well, I can't say I'm surprised," Remus shrugged.

  "What? What are you on about?" He questioned, now returning to meet Remus' gaze, he looked oddly amused, almost smug.

  "I sort of knew the whole time, I have a gift for these things, unfortunately. Also, if you weren't into Evans any more, someone else must've been on the way, I kind of worked it out after that." James watched him speak, his hands gesturing to explain his words, and shock his head, looking down.

  "You're brilliant, Moony, I hate that."

  "Cheers," he smiled mischievously, and gave James a pat on the back, which he didn't bother to brush away, "look, I know you're scared about the whole thing, but Sirius shouldn't be the person to stand between you two, I know he'll understand it."

  "I don't think so, it took him this long just to accept that we were friends, if he knew about us, he'd totally freak out, and most likely hex me. And then punch me. And probably hex me again to finish me off."

They both stifled a chuckle, their arms knocking together.

  "Hey! Don't laugh, this is a Sirius matter, James," Remus said worthily, and then they both broke into laughter, that joke never got old.

Once they ran out of breath, James took off his glasses to wipe a tear off his eye, and Remus snorted, till his smile gradually faded. James pretended not to realize the crinkle by his eyes, which strangely hadn't disappeared. "Just, think about it, alright? It'll get worse if you keep it hidden. Don't let him find out for himself, between us two... it's getting sort of evident."

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