The Black's Lustful Eyes

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Put your glad rags on and join me, hon'
We'll have some fun when the clock strikes one.
We're gonna rock around the clock tonight,
We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight,
We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight.

The lights were dim, the room was cold, the voices of Hogwarts' students were echoing through the halls; the great feast was in its high point, everyone was enjoying the fresh pumpkin juice and the pork chops, along with mashed potatoes and thousands of many other delightful, warm plates.

The door opened slowly, Remus stepped inside, Sirius was clinging onto him for dear life, both of their lips were red and plump, they stumbled across the dark room, and Remus firmly left Sirius chest up in his bed, he grinned and bit his lip, Remus was surrounded by the older Black's legs.

"Moony," choked Sirius while taking off his shirt, clearly resisting the urge to throw himself into his boyfriend's arms.

Remus bit his lip back —but not for the same reason, he'd been thinking of what James said the entire trip to Hogwarts, and he couldn't get it out of his head, maybe this was the right moment, Sirius' guard was low, and he was needy, something that had always turned Remus on, and he couldn't lie: He was really aroused. But business was business, and they've done plenty of... 'this' over Christmas anyway.

He let himself fall on the bed next to the overly-stimulated Sirius, who immediately crawled to his hip, looking directly at him with lustful eyes.

"Pads, we've got to have a word," he said gently, Sirius lowered his head and pouted.

"Can't we do it later?" He said, slithering down Remus' body, arching his own.

Remus pressed his eyes closed, he felt himself losing control, Sirius always knew how to make him weak.

"It's... it's about Prongs," he blustered, barely able to keep up with the black haired boy's restless hands and friction in funny areas. He stopped, —thankfully— to the mention of his friend.

"Why would you bring him up now?"

Remus opened his eyes lazily, Sirius' icy blue orbs were glistering against the pale moonlight, he looked hypnotized.

"I had to, otherwise you wouldn't listen."

Sirius stayed silent and crawled off of Remus' belt —which he had started to take off. He sat cross-legged, looking at the window a few steps away from their bed, giving Remus his naked back.

"You need to make up with him, somehow. I miss the marauders," he started, hoping it didn't sound selfish, Sirius sighed.

"I know him, he won't leave Reg alone, not even after..."

He didn't finish his phrase, but Remus knew what he talked about, he had his reservations about it, too. But after all he had met Regulus a few times, and he only seemed like a scared little boy, too frightened to escape his destiny, it did take a lot of courage and suffering to be like Sirius, and maybe he just didn't have the guts to do it.

"Sirius, Regulus needs help, he's standing on a thin line, if he makes a wrong move... well, you know what happens if he does," Sirius buried his head between his arms, "you both undergone the same position... the cruciatus curse."

Remus often avoided this subject, but Sirius needed to reconsider the idea of being alone in that situation.

"I can't Remus... I can't see him with that mark on his arm..." Sirius blubbered, Remus crept to his side and surrounded him with his arms, forcing Sirius to meet his eyes.

"He's helpless, Sirius. He's your brother, and he's doomed to be evil, to hurt people, you can't neglect him, this isn't a silly little sibling fight, this is real life. We are in war Sirius, we need to stick together, James and you..."

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