The Boy He'd Taken Care Of

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I've been waiting for a guide to come and take me by the hand,
Could these sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man?
Lose sensations, spare the insults, leave them for another day.
I've got the spirit, lose the feeling, take the shock away.

The record stopped spinning, making a scratchy sound against the cartridge, gradually fading into complete silence.

  "You... you are... you are a..." Sirius' eyes were locked with his brother's, both of them awfully still — despite it, their bodies slightly shuddered, like a single touch could make them blow up.

  "Yes, I am," Regulus neutrally answered, swallowing hard, making his Adam's apple bob inside the thin skin surrounding his pale throat.

The faint cracking from the fireplace echoed louder in the quiet room, the air seemed to get thicker and harder to breath, the tension could be cut with a knife.

  "How...? When?" Sirius slightly shook his own head, frowning in disbelief.

  "When I was thirteen. Did it on my own."

Sirius was static as a tree, hardly moving his lips, barely shutting his eyes, his dark blue orbs gave James an uneasy feeling. He breathed heavily, now his eyes shifted to James, weakly pointing him.

  "You knew?"

He couldn't lie to him, not any more. His eyes lingered between Sirius' accusative finger, and his judging expression. "I knew."

Regulus shuddered, relaxing his shoulders, unclenching his jaw; his eyes were narrowed, surprisingly calm.

  "How many more fucking secrets are you keeping from me?!" raved Sirius, spitting on his younger brother, eyes widened as a lunatic. James gave a step forward, deciding to intervene, but Regulus' gravelly voice stopped him.

  "I'm sorry," he said, without flinching. He simply raised his arm to his face and gently wiped his robes over Sirius' saliva— that seemed to cool Sirius' temper, who stood still out of sheer embarrassment, cautiously watching Regulus' movements; he appeared to be in deep thought, his eyebrows knitted together, crewing his — otherwise — flawless forehead.

James' eyes lingered between the little distance the brothers kept, swallowing awkwardly. Just as a minute of complete silence was ending, Sirius spoke again, in a voice so gravelly, it made the boy's insides twist with unease.

  "Was Regulus the cat in your room?" He mumbled, his eyes slowly climbing up James' body, finally meeting his eyes with a neutral, almost dead expression. He blinked a few times, bewildered to be addressed so suddenly; when the true meaning of the question dawned upon James' mind, it was all the same — Regulus nor James dared to give an answer, Sirius took this as a confirmation.

  "Fuck you, both of you... specially your bloody arse," he blustered, spitefully addressing James. "I thought I could trust you — I thought you cared about our promise."

James tried to speak — fight back... but words wouldn't come out of his mouth, which had dried up the second Regulus had entered the room in his Animagi form. Sirius wasn't expecting an answer either way.

"My bloody younger brother, seriously?! You could have shagged anyone, James, but him," he shock his head in sheer incredulity, his nostrils flaring with anger. "Anyone."

Regulus opened his mouth, but Sirius shot him a glare so penetrating, it shut him up at once. The oldest Black gave a few slow steps to the portrait, making sure to hit James on the shoulder as he did so; the other stayed still, too shocked for any sort of reaction.

  "Don't ever, come near me again. Ever," he breathed out; and immediately afterwards, he left, leaving both of the boys stunned out of words.

The Day the Music Died | Jegulus, WolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now