The Squid's Fangs

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I'm stepping through the door,
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way,
And the stars look very different today.
For here am I sitting in a tin can,
Far above the world,
Planet Earth is blue,
And there's nothing I can do.
Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles,
I'm feeling very still.
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go,
Tell my man I love him very much, he knows.

Regulus didn't have time to pull back, James didn't stay long enough for him to do so, he quickly backed off, as if he realized what he'd done too late. The messy-haired boy gave him an apologetic stare and muttered a quick "sorry," before going back to his side of the bed, giving the Slytherin boy his back.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why? Why the bloody hell did I do that? James thought, staying still.

He pretended to be asleep, regardless of the fact that it was evident he wasn't. Regulus did the same thing, apparently. He wished to know what the raven-haired boy reacted, he didn't give himself time to actually stay for his response, not that he'd see it, anyway, without his glasses he was as blind as a mole. He did feel his reaction, and fuck, it felt too nice to be right, kissing boys shouldn't feel right.

Maybe he listened to Bowie for too long. Bite me, Padfoot.

For the first time in his life, he felt anxious, brittle. Why did he have to do it now? He could've waited for the last day, so it wouldn't be awkward, - but no, he didn't think about Regulus, the boy didn't even had a place to stay and now he'd be uncomfortable around him the next week.

James, as always, just thinking about his bloody, reckless self, ignoring the consequences of his actions, sometimes he wished he was like Remus. A kind, patient guy, always relaxed, the kind of bloke to talk to if you need help with anything. Thanks to his traits, he somehow managed to get Sirius Black single-handedly, the school's most desired boy, and was snogging him for who knows how long.

Between the jumble of his thoughts, and the guilt he felt, he somehow managed to fall asleep, so did Regulus, and it wasn't until the next morning, that he remembered what he did.


"Bollocks," cursed James as he jumped from the bed, Regulus was sleeping peacefully on his side, his eye-bags were painfully noticeable on the morning daylight, —they looked more like eye-suitcases by now, James snickered on his insides, but quickly shoved that dad-joke away, he wasn't in place for laughing, he'd ruined their friendship for a stupid impulse.

He grabbed a jumper from his drawer and silently exited the room after giving Reg a last sweet look, he went down the stairs and looked at the magical clock —with way more needles that a normal clock needed—, it was nine-past-thirty. He sat on the bench placed in the kitchen, next to the entrance door and gave a few deep breaths. There was nothing to be done.

Knock, knock, knock.

James turned his head so quickly he almost snapped his neck, instantly tearing him away from his morning dizziness, like a bucket of ice cold water had been dumped over his bare head.
The Potters had advised him to be careful, as non desirable folks might come near, only them and a few more aurors could apparate near the house, so, who could it possibly be?

  "James! Tosspot! Open the bloody door! I know you're in there," Sirius' characteristic posh accent travelled from outside to the inside the cozy house, James felt warmth spread through his body and instantly ran to open the door, but he stopped himself with his hand on the handle.

  "Wait, how do I know it's actually you?" He asked, he probably shouldn't ask if that wasn't Sirius.

A few moments in silence, and finally, Sirius answered. "Ask me something only you and I know."

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