Her eyes

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Authors Note:The events in this will be based of pride and prejudice 1995
Elizabeth Bennett was dancing a dance with her friends Charlotte little brother.After the dance she went to Jane and Charlotte just as the Netherfield party had arrived they took quite little notice.For only the ones closest to the entrance stayed quiet to stare,There Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy of Derbyshire saw her,Miss Elizabeth Bennett.Elizabeth took no notice that she was being eyed up by Mr Darcy but her sister Jane did but decided not to say a word to let nature take its course.
"Lizzy"Charlotte said.
"Yes"Lizzy said.
"Have you not noticed the Netherfield Party have arrived"Charlotte asked
"Yes I do know so which one is Mr Bingley"Lizzy asked
"The ginger one,The man with brown hair and a head taller than the rest is Mr Darcy,The women are Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst and of course Mr Hurst is with them."Charlotte answered
A moment later Mrs Bennett came to introduce her daughters to the gentlemen,Sir William Lucas had welcomed the party as he had already met everyone in the party."Ah I'm so rude I should introduce you to the Bennett's"Sir Lucas stated.
"It would be and honour to meet them"Mr Bingley Said"Right Darce"
"Yes it would be"Mr Darcy said with warm civility but his mind still on the girl who had not even noticed him but she was talking to her friends.Sir Lucas lead them to a group of six women and Darcy thought himself the luckiest man alive as the lady he had seen was among the group."Mr Darcy ,Mr Bingley I would like to introduce you to Mrs Bennet,Miss Bennett,Miss Elizabeth,Miss Mary,Miss Catherine and Miss Lydia."Sir Lucas introduced them.The lady curtsied when their name was called,Elizabeth what a beautiful name for her,Those eyes I could stare in to them all day if the lady would allow me,Darcy thought.

Soon after the introduction Miss Bennett was to dance the next two with Mr Bingley.After the next dance began Elizabeth left and went to Charlotte to talk to her.Mr Darcy stood in ear shot of Elizabeth's and Charlottes conversation but was uncomfortable as he was being stared at by Miss Bingley and practically every mother in the room.

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