The turn in the garden

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After and hour of everyone engaged in conversation with either one or two people Mr Bennett came in and asked to see Mr Darcy in his study."I hear that you want to court my daughter"Mr Bennett started the conversation.
"Yes has she told you"Mr Darcy asked
"She had to as my wife was plotting to marry her off to the heir of longborne,Mr Collins"Mr Bennett stated which made Mr Darcy vomit in his mouth with the thought of anyone except him marrying Elizabeth.
"I see,But I would love it if you would give your consent to courtship"
"To what extent"
"You have my consent,"Mr Darcy almost jumped in the air and punched the air but manage to contain it before Mr Bennett continued"Now go back to my daughter and enjoy it before Mrs Bennett tries something"
"I will sir"And with that Mr Darcy left to see Elizabeth still by the window engaged in a conversation with Kitty and went to go sit next to Elizabeth again until he got her attention."Oh my I have to say dear Lizzy I am surprised that you aren't taking a turn in the garden"Mrs Bennett exclaimed"and I am sure if you go for a turn now someone will accompany you"Mrs Bennett added quickly
"I would love nothing more than a turn in the garden mama you are right"Elizabeth said
"May I accompany you Miss Elizabeth"Mr Darcy asked
"You may"she smiled and left to put a shawl on.

Mr Darcy as soon as they were out the door offered his arm and she took it without hesitation."You are quite stunning today Miss Elizabeth"Mr Darcy flirted as the passed a nice tree.
"Must you compliment me all the time"Elizabeth
"Do you wish for me to stop"
"You like my compliments"
"Then i shall compliment you all I want"This was awarded with a heavy blush and he could not help but fall even more desperately in love with her."Will you be at church tomorrow"he continued.
"Of course I will be"
"Well I shall see you there"
"I hope that you will come to call tomorrow"
"Of course I will"he whispered"for you"She started to blush like nothing before.
"And not to see anyone else"
"As much as I respect your family I would not of called if it wasn't for you"
"I see"

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