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Warning  sexual scene
The carriage had been driving for two hours at this point and Mr Darcy had not let his wife out his arms once they shared a couple of kisses but he needed more.He knew she deserved a bed for the first time but he could not help himself ha found his hand going under her skirt to touch her ankle.''Mr Darcy''she exclaimed
''Fitzwilliam''he corrected
''Okay then Fitzwilliam''
''What are you doing''
''Touching your highly tempting body''he said moving his hand up to her hip and he made her straddle him,he heard no complaints from her instead she started kissing his jaw.He couldn't contain himself anymore he moved her skirt she he could see from the hips down he then freed himself from his breeches''This might hurt momentarily''He said starting to kiss her cheeks and all over her face

He entered her and he immediately felt her tense up in pain for a minute but he then started to move her off and on his manhood.She started kissing all over his face while he focus on making love,

A minute or two later the carriage came to a halt and Elizabeth was off Fitzwilliam in a heartbeat then started making herself look presentable again''We are not done Mrs Darcy''He growled then made himself look presentable
''Thought that''she smiled then the carriage door opened and she saw pemberly for the first time.

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