Late Night Talks

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''Lizzy''Jane said as entered their room to get ready for bed
''Yes dearest''Lizzy answered
''What did you and Mr Darcy talk about when me and Bingley didn't dance next to you''Jane Inquired
''Nothing he just stared at me the whole time"Lizzy admitted"anyway tell me about your Mr Bingley-"
"He is not my Mr Bingley Lizzy"Jane protested
"Oh he is or he will be very soon"Lizzy said
With that she was awarded a pillow to the head so a pillow fight broke out for five minutes before they landed flat on the bed and made a truce.That night it was like when they were five and seven they spooned talked and laughed that night felt so different than the usual night.Like just for a night they were kids again,kids falling for men.
"Lizzy"Jane whispered"if we marry Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy we must write often and visit each other cause I don't wanna live without you"
"If one of us dies I want be first cause a life without my dear sister,is like hell to me"Lizzy admitted
"I want to be first and that's end of"Jane stated
"Fine"Lizzy gave in''but why are we fighting over who dies first like we have control''
''True''Jane said
Over in Netherfield Mr Darcy sat quietly in a chair in the library with the rest of the party.''Darce how long does it take you to read a page cause its been half an hour and your still on page one''Mr Bingley said
''What do you mean''Mr Darcy asked
''What I mean is you have not been looking at your book and on the same page for half an hour,what is the matter''Mr Bingley said
''I'm thinking about Miss Elizabeth's eyes and how lively and beautiful they are''Mr Darcy admitted
Miss Bingley who had been pretending to read looked up from her book in shock.
''WHAT''Miss Bingley yelled
''Caroline''Mr Bingley hissed
''What part did you not understand I admire Miss Elizabeth dearly and she is the handsomest women of my acquaintance are you upset that you do not hold that title after seasons of you trying''Mr Darcy said
''What no I'm very happy for you''Miss Bingley lied
''I hope so''Mr Darcy said
''I'm retiring to me room''Miss Bingley said after another half an hour
Good that witch is going to bed finally Mr Darcy thought

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