Morning stroll

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Mr Darcy had to get away from Miss Bingley as soon as possible he needed to go for a stroll as he was leaving to accompany the Lucas's and Miss Elizabeth in two days.Until then he would have to hide from her or take as many walks as possible and would hopefully call on Longbourn so he could see Elizabeth.

Mr Darcy was to trapped in his thoughts but slowly he was out of Netherfield and walking in a meadow until he noticed a familiar figure walking to the east of him.Miss Elizabeth was taking her normal morning walk when she noticed Mr Darcy and decided to not disturb him so walked east.
''Miss Elizabeth''Mr Darcy called out smiling at his luck
''Mr Darcy''Elizabeth called back
"I am quite shocked to see you here"Mr Darcy said as he reached her
"I often walk here in the morning as it is a very pretty walk"Elizabeth replied
"I have to agree even though nothing is prettier than you"he flirted yet again
"I have to disagree as in spring and summer it is most stunning"Elizabeth said while blushing
"Nothing is as beautiful as you"He said as he lifted her hand to his lips
"What brings you to this meadow at this hour Mr Darcy"Elizabeth said
"Hiding from Miss Bingley"Mr Darcy admitted
"I see"Elizabeth said as silence fell upon them
"Miss Elizabeth I must tell you how much I admire and love you will you allow me to court you"Mr Darcy blurted out
"Mr Darcy"Elizabeth said in shock
"Please if you do not feel the same then don't accept it,it would cause me more pain to see you unhappy"Mr Darcy said
"You may court me"Elizabeth answered
Mr Darcy wanted to announce it to the world and shout it from Netherfield so all of Merton would know Elizabeth was almost his.
A smile spread across his face as he kissed her hands multiple times before he stopped himself when he looked up she was blushing and smiling.
"May I ask to what extent do you want to court me to"Elizabeth let her curiosity get the better of her
"Marriage"he whispered
"Marriage to me a country nobody"Elizabeth said in shock
"You are not a country nobody your my world"he said placing many kisses on her hand

I can't wait to ask her to marry me and then I can make her mine in every way,Mr Darcy thought

I must be dreaming Mr Darcy want to marry me,Elizabeth thought

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