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After Mr Bingley and Jane had danced the first dance Mr Bingley went to his friend.
"Darce you must dance"Bingley said.
"Your sisters are engaged and you are dance with one of the handsomest lady here"Darcy said.
"One,Pray tell me who is the handsomest in this room"Bingley inquired.
"Miss Elizabeth Bennett,Her eyes are-are s-I"Darcy stuttered the last bit.
"I am in shock Dace you are stuttering"Bingley was amazed.
"Should I ask her for a dance"Darcy asked.
"YES"Bingley said quite loudly .
The it hit Darcy if he was in earshot of Elizabeth she would be in earshot of him.Had she heard him what would she think,Darcy turned to look at Elizabeth who was still with Charlotte and was silent as Charlotte only smirked.The handsomest lady here I've never been called that ,Thought Elizabeth
"Lizzy are you quite well"Charlotte asked with a smirk still on her face
"Yes yes I am"Elizabeth replied as her eyes wondered to Mr Darcy who was staring at her.As soon as she made eye contact with him she looked away.Her cheeks grew warmer and warmer"Lizzy are you blushing"Charlotte whispered
"No"said Elizabeth
"Lizzy trust me you are"Charlotte insisted
Darcy wondered What Charlotte had whispered to her but he thought Elizabeth more attractive when blushing."Darce go on ask her"Bingley whispered
"I will"Darcy replied
With that Darcy left and went to Elizabeth and bowed in greeting which was returned with a curtsy"Miss Elizabeth if you are not otherwise engaged would you dance the next two dances with me"Darcy asked his heart stopped beating until he hear her voice say"Yes"With that he left to see Bingley talking with his sister Mrs hurst and noticed Miss Bingley was glaring at Elizabeth.

Bewitched:Mr Darcy x Elizabeth Where stories live. Discover now