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Five Months later

"Lizzy when will they arrive"The ecstatic Georgiana Darcy asked for the hundredth times ever since they found out Elizabeth was with child a month after the wedding.
"Not for another five months"Mr Darcy answered for his wife who was now playing with a little border terror which Mr Darcy had gotten her a week after there wedding"Dear are you even paying attention"
"Not to you but to Charlotte,my love"Elizabeth teased
"Uhhh I dread to think what you two will be like when you give birth to our child"Mr Darcy teased
"I will spoil my niece or nephew and you brother can discipline them and Lizzy will be the favourite parent"Georgiana teased as she got up and sat next to Elizabeth.
"I will always be the favourite parent"Mr Darcy teased
"I will"Elizabeth argued as she puppy eyed him
"You will my love"Mr Darcy yet again falling to his wife's puppy eyes.
————Four Months later————
Elizabeth and Georgiana were taking a turn in the garden while they wait for Mr an Mrs Bingley to arrive who were by all accounts expecting as well."We need to make sure Fitzwilliam doesn't look out the window or he will carry you back in the house and tie you to the bed"Georgiana said in jest.
"Don't tempt him"Elizabeth laughed then stopped walking"ah"she shrieked
"What is it Lizzy"
"I just got a pain that al-"she yelped in pain again
"Your in labour"Georgiana immediately supported her as he water broke"come on we need to go inside.

Mr Darcy looked out the window in his study and watched his wife and sister walk in the garden arm in arm he knew they tried to sneak out a couple of times but he caught them in time.He decided he would watch them so he could aid them if something say If she fell but he noticed them rushing back and he had a strange feeling what was coming next.

Mr Darcy sprinted outside and to were his two favourite people"My love"he asked but he saw the water stain on her dress and picked her up and ran to the house"Georgiana who was a shockingly fast for a woman over took her brother to find a footman and Mrs Renoylds.

————Two hours later————
Elizabeth was in bed her husband supporting her back and holding one of her hand while the other was held by Jane who arrived an hour earlier.The Midwife came and had managed to speed the labour process a bit and now she was about to give birth"push my love"Mr Darcy encourage.Jane and Mr Darcy hands were breaking from the pain Elizabeth was going through.After what felt like forever the babe was expelled,"the pain still going"Elizabeth panicked and started to push self cautiously
"No I need you to pant for me come on just for a minute"the midwife instructed.

After another half hour the second babe was expelled the cleaned like it's older sibling a servant came over with both babes in her arm and handed them to Elizabeth"You have a boy and a girl"The midwife said.

Mr Darcy was when he left his wife so she could bathe was crying of happiness he was in the nursery with the two babes when Georgiana found him"are you crying brother"She asked
"Yes I am cause I am a father now"he sobbed
"You were like a father to me"
"I know you saw me as that"

Georgiana leapt in to his embrace and they sobbed together and what a sight that Elizabeth.

So i will add a 2 bonus chapters so if anyone have any ideas of what they could be pleas comment them and I will use it hopefully.

And thank you for 1k reads I will be writing other fanfics like her(SigtryggrXStiorra) I will be writing a Bridgerton fanfic on Anthony and Kate aswell as Daphne and Simon.

Bewitched:Mr Darcy x Elizabeth Where stories live. Discover now