The service

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Elizabeth and Mr Darcy after half and hour of walking went there separate ways to prepare for church that was goin to take place in two hours.Mr Darcy came back from Netherfield Miss Bingley was gone thank god that witch is gone so I can continue to woo my Elizabeth,thought Mr Darcy as he started to get changed in to more suitable clothes for church.

While in longbourne Mr Collins had arrived while Elizabeth was out walking and had taken quite a liking to Elizabeth but she tried to make it very clear she liked someone else.Elizabeth had walked to the service behind everyone else while she linked arms with Jane but she could never escape Mr Colin trying to converse with her.

When the Netherfield party had arrived Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley went straight to Elizabeth and Jane.
"Miss Elizabeth"Mr Darcy addressed then kissing her hand's multiple time
"Mr Darcy"
"It is a pleasure to see you"
"The pleasure is mine"
"During the service will you please sit with me"
"Yes i will"
"Thank yo-"
"Cousin Elizabeth I thought you would sit next to me"Mr Colin's interrupted the two lovebirds conversation
"I would of. but I have gotten an invitation from Mr Darcy to sit with him and I have accepted it"

With that Mr Darcy wrapped his arm around her hand and lead her away from a man who clearly had feelings for her."Who was that man"Mr Darcy whispered as he led her down the aisle.
"My cousin Mr Colin who has been trying to woo me for the past hour"
"I see"
"Why yes I am I'm the only man who can flirt with you"
"Let's continue this conversation later Mr Darcy"

During the service Mr Darcy managed to steal many glances at Elizabeth and at one point managed to take her hand and hold it.

She would make and excellent mother,wife and mistresses of pemberly,Thought Mr Darcy

His hands are so soft,I wonder how his lips would feel on mine,Thought Elizabeth

Bewitched:Mr Darcy x Elizabeth Where stories live. Discover now