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Miss Bingley had waited for her brother and Mr Darcy's return home from the call she expected it to be at most a half an hour call.But now she was unsure it had been two hours with not a single sign of there coming until the sun started to set until two horsemen came into view and she knew they had finally returned."Ah brother,Mr Darcy did those Bennett keep you against your wills especially with there matchmaking mother"Miss Bingley had greeted as she curtsied.
"Not at all I walked with Miss Elizabeth for three quarters of an hour and I got consent from Mr Bennett"Mr Darcy stated
"Yes I loved longborne and I quite like everyone living there especially Miss Bennett"Mr Bingley said as he daydreamed about Jane Bennettt.
"I see brother,but Mr Darcy why do you need consent"Miss Bingley said getting angry
"To court the woman I love,Miss Elizabeth"Mr Darcy had said with a smile
"WHAT"Miss Bingley yelled
"CAROLINE"Mr Bingley yelled back
"NO BROTHER IM NOT GOING TO LET THET CHIT TAKE AWAY MY FITZWILLAM DARCY,I KNEW I HATED MISS ELIZA FOR A RESON NOW SHE IS TRYING TO SET HER CAP ON HIM"Miss Bingley then fell silent as she realised that she had yelled that In front of Mr Darcy.
"Miss Bingley let me make this clear I only barely tolerate you only because of Charles and that is why I can only bare to be in proximity to you"The now angry Mr Darcy said
"Uh I d-d-didn't mea-"Miss Bingley tried to say
"Caroline you will go and pack your bags and I will send you to London then to our aunt in Scarborough,Miss Elizabeth is becoming a dear friend to me and I will not tolerate such language used to insult her"Mr Bingley said
"But Charles"
"No buts I want Miss Elizabeth to become a sister to me and for Miss Bennett to be my wife"
"Uuhhhhh"Miss Bingley said as she stormed off to her room to pack.
"No one will ever call My Elizabeth a Chit again"Mr Darcy said when they went to the Library.
"Your Elizabeth already engaged eh?"
"We are courting"
"You are and I wish you luck"
"When will Miss Bingley be away"
"Tomorrow morning"
"I see"

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