Breaking Silence

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Jane had watched the interaction very closely and after Mr Darcy left Jane walked up to Elizabeth and Charlotte."Lizzy what happened cause your blushing"Jane asked in a whispered"I am not"Elizabeth refused to believe she was blushing about a man who she had not even spoken three words two.Uhh I can't be like Lydia falling for anyone who compliments her,Elizabeth thought
"Lizzy are you there"Jane asked
"Yes,I'm just thinking"Elizabeth replied
"Good cause did Mr Darcy ask you to dance"Jane inquired
"Yes the next two"Elizabeth Answered
"Oh my he must like you a lot Lizzy"Jane said
"Yeah he might"Elizabeth Replied
"Especially if he called you handsome"Charlotte whispered
"Did he"Jane exclaimed quietly
"Yes"Elizabeth said quietly
The Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley came to escort the two ladies to the dance floor,Jane and Lizzy were next to each other while there partners were opposite them."Miss Elizabeth-"Darcy started but couldn't finish
"Mr Darcy"Elizabeth said then silence fell among the the couple with Mr Darcy not keeping his eyes off of Elizabeth.Something Miss Bingley had seen and got jealous of Miss Elizabeth for keeping Mr Darcy eyes on her and her alone.
"Darce I've never seen you so quiet"Mr Bingley said to break the couples silence
"Yes you have What about when I am reading Bingley"Darcy fired back
"Not even when your reading"Bingley answered
"And Lizzy I've never seen you look at the ground so many times"Jane pointed out
"Surely you have"Elizabeth tried to defend herself against her sister
" Never not even in the twenty years I have shared a bedroom with you"Jane admitted
"Miss Bennett I did not know you were twenty"Bingley said
"Oh no I'm twenty two but Lizzy here is twenty and I have shared a room with her ever since she was born"Jane answered
"Miss Elizabeth I did not think you a day over fifteen"Darcy complimented her
Elizabeth did not reply but started to blush very heavily which made Darcy want to compliment her more.This did not go unnoticed by Mr Bingley and Jane who only looked at each other and silently Laughed.God has the day come that Darce is falling for a lady I never see the day,Mr Bingley thought

I have never seen Lizzy blush as much as she is now,wow,Jane thought

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