The day before

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It was now the day besides the wedding and Elizabeth was sat in her room while jane fussed over her like a mother hen Mr Darcy on the other hand was in his room sipping brandy.He had been forbidden to go near Elizabeth that day and was finding it very hard for him but he realised after tomorrow he would never need to part with her.

He was getting ready for his last night without someone in his arms and what made it a worse torment for him Elizabeth was right next door.She on the other hand was reading a note from her mother explaining the joys of marriage in the marriage bed which had to be done but Mrs Bennett could not go to Netherfield for fear of Mr Colin wrath.
"Lizzie"Jane asked
"Yes Jane"Elizabeth answered
"Can I tell you something"
"Mr Bingley has asked for my hand in marriage"
"He did"
"Yes we kept it a secret and will announce it while your gone with Mr Darcy on your honeymoon"
"Jane I'm so happy for you"
"Thank you Lizzie"

Mr Bingley told Mr Darcy and he had much the same reaction as Elizabeth minus the almost knocking Jane to the floor but he was happy for them.Mr Darcy called his valet and went to bed and Elizabeth did the same but they couldn't get to sleep so Mr Darcy went to knock on Elizabeth door but it was already open with her in the door frame"Mr Darcy"She said in a whisper
"Miss Elizabeth"Mr Darcy said not bothering to bow
"Are you okay"
"Yes I couldn't sleep,what about you"
"I couldn't sleep either"
"This time tomorrow we'll be married"
"Yes I can't wait"
"You should go"
"Your right one last time,Goodnight Miss Elizabeth"
"Goodnight Mr Darcy"

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