Lucas Lodge

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There was no contact between the Bennett's and Netherfield party until Sir Lucas held a dinner at Lucas Lodge in honour of his eldest son John's birthday.The Bennetts were already there when the Netherfield party had arrived and Mr Darcy kept looking among the crowd for Miss Elizabeth.where is my Elizabeth ,Mr Darcy thought.When Mr Darcy saw her he was mad at the man who had Elizabeth on his arm and it took some self restraint to not throw the man out of the window.
''Miss Elizabeth,Mr and Miss Lucas''Darcy greeted
''Mr Darcy''Elizabeth replied
''My dear Eliza you must play the pianoforte''Charlotte continued
''No''Elizabeth said still refusing to display her skills
''You must Miss Elizabeth''Mr Darcy said
''I agree as it is my birthday I think you should play I only ask for one song''Said Mr Lucas
God stop looking at my Elizabeth like you are her betrothed,wait is he no he isn't,Mr Darcy thought
"No,I'm sure if you ask Mary she would play"Elizabeth tried to comprise
"Yes but your voice would not compare"Mr Lucas flirted Mr Darcy now growing more jealous by the moment
"Fine"Elizabeth gave in
"May I turn the pages Miss Elizabeth"Mr Darcy asked
"You may if you wish"Elizabeth replied
"Well I wish to"Mr Darcy said
With that Mr Darcy wrapped his arm around Elizabeth's hand and led her to the pianoforte were she played and sang.She enchanted him with her voice much to Miss Bingley dismay and Mrs Bennett was delighted.After she was done playing she was applauded by the crowd and Mr Darcy once again wrapped his arm around her hand Miss Bingley could do nothing but watch in horror as a man who she has been chasing for seasons was now falling for a country chit.
"That was beautiful"Mr Darcy said In awe
"You have not heard Mary play yet and she is better at it than me"Elizabeth said
"Nothing can beat your voice Miss Elizabeth"he flirted and afterwards took her hand and brought it to his lips
"Mr Darcy what are you doing"she asked
"Showing affectionate for a woman who I admire dearly"Mr Darcy flirted again which was awarded with her blushing

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