two - im sorry, i fell asleep.

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"i dont know just yet who you take me to be, but i dont want to spoil your impression of me."

summary ; haitham leaves the house and comes back late, to find an overworking and even worse hurt kaveh than before. kaveh figures out whats inportant to him while alhaitham suppresses any feeling of emotion all day.

tw - blood, holes in body/skin, severe gore, weapons, beating, threats, guns, blades, sh(?), and losing people.
reader discretion is advised!

angst because i felt like it <3


kaveh's point of view -

ive known what the feelings i experience for alhaitham was for a while. he has definitely been acting weirder lately, yet he continues to act like his nonchalant self.

psh, this is giving me a migraine. i dont need to worry about him right now, but what i do need to worry about is the person in front of me.

"sir kaveh," the scholar in front of me says, eyes drooping lower by the second. i hum as for him to continue.

"the acting grand sage has requested me to tell you that we need to make a childrens area around here. here are some blueprint examples i came to drop off."

"yes, thank you." i nod, holding the blueprint designs. a childrens area, hm? i could do that.

these designs.. how utterly.. well— how must i put it.. they lack creativity and access! lets see what i can do.


alright! ive written down my ideas, yet ill have to actually draw them at home. my hands hurt from the glass i dropped this morning, but its fine. no one had noticed the hole in my hand today, so that's great.

haitham will be there, so ill ask him to bandage me up and help me with the designs. (even though hes the one who commissioned them himself)

upon standing from my chair, i just collapsed right back in. all that walking and writing must of worn me out, especially with the shard holes in my foot and hand.

once actually getting up, i hold onto a wall for balance. most were staring but i didnt mind. when i got home,  i looked around to see if haitham has arrived before me.



"haitham, are you here?"


no response. i guess he was still at the akademiya. but for now, ill have to work on those blueprints.

hours passed and he still wasnt here, not to mention how long i had been working. the circles under my eyes darkened each hour, but why did that matter? its not like i could sleep at all.

more, more, and more working. it was past 12;00 AM. it was quite unusual for alhaitham to be this late. i wonder what was keeping him.

this is what i do. i overwork myself and end up a mess. i always tell myself to be careful, or ill lose it. (a/n - electric. reference haha. not funny? okay.) maybe this was one of the times i could make an exception.

right as i was about to stand up, i felt someone suffocate me. there was a cloth on my face, i cant breathe..

my muffled screams were of no help. "ge— get away from me!" i yelled, but in no time, my lungs had ran out of oxygen.

even though unconscious, i could feel them drag me and hurt me to their fullest extent. i couldnt make any noise. one of them was choking me, snd another focusing on breaking my bones.

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