mini extra - mental health

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here bc it'll be a while til part 2 of chapter 5
modern au because i needed an excuse to do that

"i need to be alone, or im gonna lose my shit."

kavehs point of view -

my chronic insomnia made this worse. here i am, enduring this painfully boring lecture. no sleep, no food in my system, no energy. not one person cared enough to ask if I'm alright, but i don't mind. I've always been on my own.

but this time, i needed someone to say something to me. anything, really. just a simple "how've you been?" or smile by anyone would make this all better.

im slowly dozing off, even though i probably wont be able to anyone. i have a blasting headache, and my throat hurts. what did i have to do to feel this shitty today?

maybe, ill see his face. i didnt see alhaitham in the dorms this morning, so just seeing him would give me a bit of serotonin.

"kaveh? is there anything wrong? it seems my lectures seem to bore you." the professor tapped his pencil on his desk, while receiving a flinch in response me.

"no, no!" i spoke, nervously. i waved my hands in the air as if i was denying something. "your lectures are just.. uhm.. fine! yes, theyre just fine." i quickend my speech, wanting the attention turning from me to the professor already.

i mean, its okay. i'll die anyway. all of the blood had rushed to my head at once. what if people thought i was weird? what if people thought i was stupid and never paid attention? i cant have that happening. not today.

people still want to be near me, right? alhaitham seems to hate me, but he doesn't hate my presence. i was nothing like alhaitham. he was a great scholar, but of course, i was always doodling on my assignments.

though we're dating, i have this hunch he doesn't care at all. every fear i have of that is telling me to run and hide. away from this all, away from everyone and everything.

I'm already the dumb blonde. im the laughing stock of the campus. why did i care what people thought anymore? my image is ruined as it is.

"kaveh? hello? KAVEH!" a ruler hits my hand, causing me to come back to reality.

"gosh, the lecture is over. am i really that boring?" the professor murmurs as i stumble up from my chair and walk out, bumping into every person i encounter and them almost cursing me out.

just as i was about to pass out, arms hold me in place. a familiar feeling, really.

"i wouldn't want you falling and cracking your head open, do i?" haitham laughed, not getting anothet in return, causing the grey haired boys expression to become serious.

"are you alright? you look pale, kavi."



"oh, sorry. its just hard to stay awake."

"gosh, take care of yourself more."

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