extra - music

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"but if your teardrops are dry, and the music is right, he might let you stay, but just for the night!"

cheries notes - im being really nice today and giving u a nice fluffy extra behind the scenes chapter<3
i thought this chapter was goofy (though i absolutely adored writing it)

this is a scene from later in the book when they're together 😋

todays episode is based off the song 'lovers rock' by tv girl

nobodies point of view -

"haitham, haitham!" kaveh squeals, excitedly. the blonde stands in front of alhaitham, his eyes gleaming while smiling ear to ear.

an audible sigh was heard around the room. "yes, kaveh?" he slightly looks up from his book, looking a bit irritated.

the red eyed boy sits next to alhaitham, who shoots him a look saying; 'move one more inch and ill hit you with my book.'

"jeez, okay.." kaveh pouts and scoots away, still looking as excited as before. his smile widens as he puts in one earbud, giving alhaitham the other.

"listen, listen! its my favourite song by tv girl!" he happily puts the other earbud in alhaithams ear, to which alhaitham raises an eyebrow.

"tv girl? you mean a girl thats a tv has made songs??"

"no, silly! theyre a band. listen, hai !!"

currently playing... "the blonde" by tv girl

"kavi, i have a feeling you only like this song because it has the words 'blonde haired' and 'kiss.' "

".... so? its a good song!"

"alright, alright."

the next song was from a different artist.. i wonder who it is.. (pls pls pls tell me you know who it is without reading ahead
hint : my favourite artist in the entire world)

currently playing.. "church" by chase atlantic.

"ooh, this ones also my favourite! isnt my music taste awesome, hai?"

alhaitham sighs, knowing what will happen if he says no.

"yes, kavi. your music taste is awesome."

"yay! wait— that was sarcasm, wasnt it."

the grey haired boy lets out a chuckle, smiling softly. 'how did i ever deserve this boy?' he thought. kaveh was always energetic, even when arguing. though, to help arguments stop, theyve both agreed they can smack each other and walk away to forget that incident.
trust me, its not healthy.

kavehs point of view

and then he smiled, and thats what im after. the smile in his eyes, the sound of his laughter. i wonder night after night, 'is this how it works, am i doing it right?' i really made him smile. i made him smile. the alhaitham that never shows any emotion. i made alhaitham show emotion.

i loved him, ever so much. as we listened to these songs— which were mostly love songs and chase atlantic, i intertwined our fingers. surprisingly enough, alhaitham didnt pull away.

the more he does, the more i fall for him. maybe its all a sick joke, maybe hes faking, but it feels good now, so thats what matters.

i dont deserve him, yet he wants me. i feel cared for, only by him. hes doing something to me, i swear.

my eyes droop and my head flops to his shoulder. before i knew it, i fell asleep. and haitham let me.

we stayed like that for a while until i could feel him carry me and put me into a bed. i was expecting him to leave, but to my surprise, he stayed. not only did he stay, but he slept with me. he held my close and played with my hair.

you dont know how hard my heart was racing. hes the one for me, alright.

cheries note - short lil fluff chapter
i think im meant to write fluff bc when i started writing it all came to me😰 FASTER THAN ANGST. AND U GUYS KNOW IM VERY GOOD AT ANGST. WHAT IS GOING ON?? maybe i should write fluff more, i kinda liked doing this better than angst
though ofc i will write some if u want me to

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