Author's Note

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A few months ago, I fell in love with a sweet little Muse while watching a Netflix series.

I wanted to know more about her and her fate, read a lot of comics, listened to audio books, and asked around. I learned about her fate after she met the father of her child, and how she and her son fared. But no one ever told the story, of how she met the love of her life, I guess, because romance wasn't the original creator's favorite genre.

So I borrowed Neil Gaiman's Morpheus and his Muse Calliope from The Sandman, and asked them to tell the part of the story, where they met - at least how I think they met, seen severely though the lense of a hardcore romance fan, as opposed to the original Author, who is more of a horror and suspense author.

This fanfiction may not nail the original tone, since it's severey romance-infused. But for those who love smut, it may be a fun read.

I hope you will enjoy my little story. It is finished and will be posted at regular intervals. Pleaseread on and give it time to unfold, at least until Morpheus and Calliope meet. Then tell me how you like it. I would love your honest feedback.

Happy reading,


PS: Please be so kind and vote for every chapter you read. You'll help my story become visible to other readers, who might be interested. Thank you.

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