Chapter 29

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Pacing calmed Morpheus' racing pulse.
The couple took their sweet time, to arrive at the bed chambers. A few running steps, the door burst open and Mnemosyne came running in. "Dreamlord!" She gasped. "You need to come!"
They ran across long hallways until they reached another set of large doors. Morpheus' and Mnemosyne's attempts to open those failed, they were locked. Anger sent his pulse thumping into his ears.
"Stop it, Epi, she doesn't want to." Erato screamed inside.
This had to stop. Right now.
"Step aside." Moropheus' voice trembled.
When Mnemosyne stepped aside, he ran three steps to the door, and launched all his power against it.
It did not move.
He tried again, with the result that his shoulder hurt and the knuckles of his fingers bled. His strength was far more depleted than he thought.
"Mnemosyne," Morpheus looked into her worried eyes. "Step back, far into the corridor. Wait until the room quietens down before you enter."
She nodded gravely. "I will, Dreamlord." Then she turned and walked into the corridor's darkness.
Morpheus took some sand out of his pouch, and let the other hand glide into his pocket. Then he bent a knee right before the locked door and summoned what was left of his powers. He inhaled, and sent a string of swirling sand flying from his palms, down to the floor, underneath the door across the room on the other side.


Epithymiae's hand clamped on Calliope's mouth. "He must be here any minute, now..." He hissed through clenched teeth, while he wrestled with her wedding girdle. "Abbadon, you must come to help. I need to bind her."

Her screams muffled, she looked at his greedy face over her, the golden halo of the torches making him look almost inhumanly beautiful. Calliope tried to gather all her strength, to be able to relax her body, before surprising him with one swift move, but was distracted by the flick of his right hand near her face.

Unable to turn her head, she saw from the corner of her eye the silver snake unwinding from his wrist. It crept across her skin, winding itself around her neck, a cold and silver stronghold, limiting her breath. She tried to inhale, but with his weight on top of her, and the suffocation, it was impossible.

The smile on Epithymiae's face widened, as he let go of her mouth. "They say that the control of breath leads to extended orgasms, little muse."

Calliope wanted to spit into his face, but could not make a sound.

"One deep breath, Abbadon." Epithymiae commanded and the stranglehold eased.

She inhaled. "You monster!"

"Enough." The stranglehold constricted. "That's not how you call your husband. I feel offended." He chided.

Callopie tried to say something, but no sound came out, the corners of her sight turning black.

"Let her answer." Epithymiae commanded his snake.

"I will rather die than giving myself to you like this. If you rape me, I will make sure my sister refuses to confirm the marriage's fulfillment," Calliope hissed.

Epithymiae rose an eyebrow, the golden light of torches turning dusty. "You're mine, now!"

Yes, she was in his power. Better be choked to death, than sentencing the one she loved to a dark fate. The price she had to pay had just risen, but was worth to pay.

"Then kill me!" Calliope hissed.

The choke intensified, the blackness creeping further. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for what was to come.

"Let. Her. Go." A voice, almost as old as the time, said.

The choke eased and calliope gulped in air.

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