Chapter 17

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His hand in hers steadied her, as her heart broke for him. Forsaken love, because of hurt pride. Calliope wanted to hug and console him, she wanted to cry, because that meant that his heart was not free to love her.
"No." His eyes held hers. "I do not love her anymore. I hold her captive, because I am selfish and hurt," he whispered.
"Then you may need forgiveness more than anyone else." Calliope whispered, and brought his hand to her lips to kiss it.
She could see his adams-apple move. "There is only one important person for me, right now." Another tear slid down his face. "And that is you."
Calliope gasped, her legs barely keeping her upright. This could not be true, after all!
His hand between hers, he tugged her towards him, the other one reaching for her cheek.
Her knees gave in and she landed in his lap, their faces now at the same height, sharing a breath. "I do not wish to hurt you, Calliope..." He whispered and brushed a stray curl out of her eyes, leaving the warmth of his hand cupping her face, while the other clasped with one of hers, creating a searing circle of warmth coursing though their bodies: from their hands, through their chests to their hands.
Calliope used her other hand, to bury her fingers in the nape of his thick black hair, losing herself in the universe of his eyes. The distance between their hearts, between their breaths, between their lips shrank until they merged. She closed her eyes and melted into him, letting his lush lips guide hers, his tongue showing her the path to bliss. A mix of utter happiness and warmth pulsed through her body, making her want to stop time and encapsule this precious moment in her heart, to conserve it and cherish it, once they would have to part.


This kiss let Morpheus' heart swell, until it exploded. New feelings coursing through his body, he was torn between wanting this to never stop, and the wonderment of surprises that lay hidden in a human body. How was this even possible for only a mortal, to experience so many feelings at once? He cried and laughed at the same time, he hurt and celebrated the moment, their lips still merged.
Surely, he had lain with other lovers, including Nada. But it had been utterly different. With her, it was a rush of urges, so quickly arisen, that he had barely noticed them. Once taken care of those needs, he had become his former astral self. The night with Nada had been such a blip in time, such a quick quenching, it had barely been important, especially with the sour feeling of betrayal and refusal that had only remained.
This, right here, was pure bliss. And, with the lack of inhabitance from the wine, this could lead to potential disaster.
Morpheus broke the kiss, panting, trying to reign in his screaming body, that wanted to continue. His groin was rock-hard and pressing against her leg.
Her hand slid around his head to cup his cheek, a thumb wiping at the wetness. "You're still crying."
"I may not be used to all these emotions."
"I know." Calliope nodded. "Me too." Her soft lips grazed his face, then she leaned her brow against his. "It'll be okay," she whispered, "we will be okay. We will find a way."
No. There was no way. It would eventually end in heartbreak. It was now only a question of how much he let happen between them, before he destroyed her.
Morpheus imagined Desire in her throne room, laughing. Make the most of it then, Dear brother! Savor the beginning of the end!
Since it was not the question of how, but when Morpheus would break Calliope's heart, it was for the best to find out more about human feelings. Maybe he could inspire a certain standard of what a man should be treating her like. If she would be, one day, ready to choose the one, who would make her a true woman.
"I love you, Onerios." She whispered. "There is no one else I want. Ever."
"But Calliope, one day you will need to-" make love with another man, "you have to be a Muse!"
"No." She leaned back and looked into his face, both hands still wrapped around him, like his around her. "I'd rather not be a Muse, if it can't be for you, Oneiros."
Morpheus swallowed and decided that this was worth all the excruciating pain it would cause. Hopefully she would change her mind. Her not becoming a Muse would be a terrible loss for humankind.
"Would you agree to consider, if..." He knew this was a a bad offer, but everything he had to give her, save his existence.
Morpheus cleared his throat. "I can not lay with you. I can not risk doom. But I can offer you this: If you promise to consider finding another man, to marry you, I promise you one night. One night of utter bliss."

(I promise the next chapter will be longer. Dream-building-session anyone? Vote and read on.)

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